Scott L Painter Watershed Systems Modeling Group Lead Contact 865.241.2644 | All Publications Modeling Geologic Waste Repository Systems Below Residual Saturation Hydrologic connectivity and dynamics of solute transport in a mountain stream: Insights from a long-term tracer test and multiscale transport modeling informed by machine learning A stream-aligned mixed polyhedral meshing strategy for integrated surface-subsurface hydrological models... Modeling the Effects of Artificial Drainage on Agriculture-Dominated Watersheds Using a Fully Distributed Integrated Hydrology Model Significance of Low-Velocity Zones on Solute Retention in Rough Fractures Numerical evaluation of photosensitive tracers as a strategy for separating surface and subsurface transient storage in streams A multiscale model for solute transport in stream corridors with unsteady flow Uncertainty quantification of machine learning models to improve streamflow prediction under changing climate and environmental conditions Evaluation of distributed process-based hydrologic model performance using only a priori information to define model inputs Drying of tundra landscapes will limit subsidence-induced acceleration of permafrost thaw Machine Learning Assisted Reservoir Operation Model for Long-Term Water Management Simulation GDSA - Modeling and Integration – ORNL: PFLOTRAN modeling Joint estimation of biogeochemical model parameters from multiple experiments: A bayesian approach applied to mercury methylation From legacy contamination to watershed systems science: a review of scientific insights and technologies developed through DOE-supported research in water and energy security Accurate and Timely Forecasts of Geologic Carbon Storage using Machine Learning Methods Accurate and Rapid Forecasts for Geologic Carbon Storage via Learning-Based Inversion-Free Prediction... Toward more mechanistic representations of biogeochemical processes in river networks: Implementation and demonstration of a multiscale model Incorporating concentration-dependent sediment microbial activity into methylmercury production kinetics modeling On the Reliability of Parameter Inferences in a Multiscale Model for Transport in Stream Corridors... Streamflow Simulation in Data-Scarce Basins Using Bayesian and Physics-Informed Machine Learning Models ORNL Input to GDSA Repository Systems Analysis FY21 Recovering the effects of subgrid heterogeneity in simulations of radionuclide transport through fractured media Estimating Watershed Subsurface Permeability From Stream Discharge Data Using Deep Neural Networks On the Representation of Hyporheic Exchange in Models for Reactive Transport in Stream and River Corridors Permafrost Promotes Shallow Groundwater Flow and Warmer Headwater Streams Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Next page ›› Last page Last » Key Links Curriculum Vitae Google Scholar ORCID Organizations Biological and Environmental Systems Science Directorate Environmental Sciences Division Earth Systems Science Section Watershed Systems Modeling Group Climate Change Science Institute