Rodney D Hunt Distinguished Research Staff Contact 865.574.5481 | All Publications Comment on 'Resonant inelastic x-ray scattering from U3O8 and UN' Raman spectroscopy of uranium nitride kernels Structural features of early fuel cycle taggant incorporation for intentional nuclear forensics Response of ZrC to swift heavy ion irradiation Non-destructive characterization of advanced nuclear fuel materials using neutron imaging A novel protocol to recycle zirconium from zirconium alloy cladding from used nuclear fuel rods Optical vibrational spectra of β -U 3 O 8 Synthesis of U3O8 and UO2 microspheres using microfluidics Mechanistic Insights and Rational Design of Ca-Doped CeO2 Catalyst for Acetic Acid Ketonization Uranium Oxide Elutriation at Higher Flow Rates and Longer Times Optical Vibrational Spectra and Proposed Crystal Structure of ε-UO3 Trichloroethylene replacements for the cleaning of silicone oil used in the internal gelation process Advanced Low Temperature Chlorination of Zirconium Microstructural and crystallographic effects of sol-gel synthesized Ti-doped UO2 sintered under reducing conditions Key Properties of Mixed Cerium and Zirconium Microspheres Prepared by the Internal Gelation Process with Previously Boiled HMTA and Urea Hydrochlorination at 200°C Relevant to the Removal of Cladding from Spent Nuclear Fuel Antiferromagnetic ordering and possible lattice response to dynamic uranium valence in U3O8 Structural features of solid-solid phase transitions and lattice dynamics in U3O8 Production of 28 μm zirconium carbide kernels using the internal gelation process and microfluidics Evaluation of recycle pathways for out-of-specification uranium microspheres from the internal gelation process Additional complexity in the Raman spectra of U3O8 Nondestructive examination of uranium oxide kernels using energy-resolved neutron imaging Vibrational properties of uranium fluorides Documentation Package Supporting Fabrication of Doped UO2 Samples for MiniFuel Irradiation and Fission Gas Release Benchmarking Fabrication of UO2-Mo composite fuel with enhanced thermal conductivity from sol-gel feedstock Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Next page ›› Last page Last » Key Links ORCID Organizations Fusion and Fission Energy and Science Directorate Nuclear Energy and Fuel Cycle Division Integrated Fuel Cycle Section Fuel Cycle Chemistry Research Group