Paul E Abraham Bioanalytical Chemist Contact 865.241.4102 | All Publications Catabolic pathway acquisition by rhizosphere bacteria readily enables growth with a root exudate component but does not affect root colonization A small secreted protein serves as a plant-derived effector mediating symbiosis between Populus and Laccaria bicolor Formation of a constructed microbial community in a nutrient-rich environment indicates bacterial interspecific competition Decoding the chemical language of Suillus fungi: genome mining and untargeted metabolomics uncover terpene chemical diversity Advances in the Application of Single-Cell Transcriptomics in Plant Systems and Synthetic Biology A phosphorylation-deficient ribosomal protein eS6 is largely functional in Arabidopsis thaliana, rescuing mutant defects from global translation and gene expression to photosynthesis and growth Functional analysis of Salix purpurea genes support roles for ARR17 and GATA15 as master regulators of sex determination A glimpse into the fungal metabolomic abyss: Novel network analysis reveals relationships between exogenous compounds and their outputs Expression quantitative trait loci mapping identified PtrXB38 as a key hub gene in adventitious root development in Populus LaeA-Regulated Fungal Traits Mediate Bacterial Community Assembly Lectin Receptor-like Kinase Signaling during Engineered Ectomycorrhiza Colonization SCOMAP-XD: atomistic deuterium contrast matching for small-angle neutron scattering in biology... Expanding the application of anti-CRISPR proteins in plants for tunable genome editing Lipo-Chitooligosaccharides Induce Specialized Fungal Metabolite Profiles That Modulate Bacterial Growth Proteomics reveals pathways linked to septoria canker resistance and susceptibility in Populus trichocarpa Biological and Molecular Components for Genetically Engineering Biosensors in Plants The Promises, Challenges, and Opportunities of Omics for Studying the Plant Holobiont... Multi-omic characterization of bifunctional peroxidase 4-coumarate 3-hydroxylase knockdown in Brachypodium distachyon provides insights into lignin modification-associated pleiotropic effects Development of an Experimental Approach to Achieve Spatially Resolved Plant Root-Associated Metaproteomics Using an Agar-Plate System Ecosystem consequences of introducing plant growth promoting rhizobacteria to managed systems and potential legacy effects Proteomic and metabolic disturbances in lignin-modified Brachypodium distachyon... An intein-mediated split–nCas9 system for base editing in plants Bacterial Homologs of Progestin and AdipoQ Receptors (PAQRs) Affect Membrane Energetics Homeostasis but Not Fluidity A Surface Exposed, Two-Domain Lipoprotein Cargo of a Type XI Secretion System Promotes Colonization of Host Intestinal Epithelia Expressing Glycans Expanding the Biological Role of Lipo-Chitooligosaccharides and Chitooligosaccharides in Laccaria bicolor Growth and Development Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 … Next page ›› Last page Last » Key Links ORCID Organizations Biological and Environmental Systems Science Directorate Biosciences Division Bioimaging and Analytics Section Bioanalytical Mass Spectrometry Group