Neus Domingo Marimon

Neus Domingo Marimon

Senior R&D Staff Scientist, Group Leader for the Functional Atomic Force Microscopy Group (F-AFM), CNMS

Dr. Neus Domingo became the leader of the Functional Atomic Force Microscopy Group in February 2022. In this role, she guides the team on developing new ways to capture and control nanoscale phenomena based on force microscopy by correlating structural, compositional and functional properties at the nanoscale, leveraging the group expertise to lead high-quality research that serves the broader scientific community. During this time, she has dedicated her efforts to maximizing the capabilities of the FAFM group, upgrading systems to state-of-the-art technology, enhancing and consolidating advanced techniques, and introducing new ones to advance in materials science, particularly in areas like microelectronics and quantum materials. As part of a User Facility within the NSRCs network, the FAFM group offers one of the largest portfolios of scanning probe microscopy-based capabilities integrated in a single laboratory in multimodal and correlative workflows, and we collaboratively work with our users to address to most challenging scientific questions. 

Before joining the CNMS, Domingo was a CSIC Distinguished Researcher at the Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2, Bellaterra, Spain) where she was helped to set and led the Advanced AFM Lab, and also Associate Professor of the Condensed Matter Physics Department of the University of Barcelona. Domingo earned her PhD degree in Physics from the University of Barcelona in 2005, and after that, she hold several positions in international research centers such as the CNR in Italy, or the CIN2 in Spain. 

Her research focuses on the physical chemistry of ferroelectric and polar materials and the study of topological structures in complex oxides. She has co-authored more than a hundred scientific publications in journals and proceedings and 4 book chapters. She co-chaired different conferences, including the FyT2016 in Girona, the ISFD2018 in Barcelona (Spain) as well as symposia within the MRS Fall meeting 2020. She is the TPCIII Chair of the Ferroelectrics Committee of the IEEE UFFC Society, stands in the international scientific advisory committees of PFM Workshop and “Fuerzas y Túnel”, fellow of the Spanish Royal Society of Physics and member of the American Physics Society.

2016 “From Science to Business” Program, ESADE Business School, Barcelona

2005 PhD in Physics, University of Barcelona (UB), Spain. Supervisor: Prof. Javier Tejada

2002 Master in Physics, University of Barcelona (UB), Spain. 

2000 BSc in Physics, University de Barcelona (UB), Spain.