Miting Du Senior R&D staff Contact | 865.576.8095 All Publications Actinide targets for the synthesis of superheavy nuclei A New Pathway to Process Irradiated W Metal Target for Medical Isotope 188W Recovery... Applications of a dual-column technique in actinide separations... Probing Optimal Reaction Energy for Synthesis of Element 119 from 51V+248Cm Reaction with Quasielastic Barrier Distribution Measurement Renovations of ORNL W-188 Process... Enhancement of Two Heterogeneous Reactions in the Production of the Medical Isotope 188W... Combination of DGA and LN columns: a versatile option for isotope production and purification at Oak Ridge National Laborator... Chemical processes for recovery and purification of high-purity uranium-234 from aged plutonium-238... Application of a Dual Column Method to Selectively Extract and Purify Berkelium-249 from Other Actinides and Impurities... Chemical Processes for Recovery of High Purity U-234 from Aged Pu-238... Europium and samarium separation using ion exchange between molten salts and beta“-alumina... Applications of MP-1 anion exchange resin and Eichrom LN resin in berkelium-249 purification... Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy analysis of europium and samarium in aluminum oxide... Evaluation of Options for Disposition of Mk-42 Materials... Special Actinide Recovery from Mark-18A Target Material... Processing and Disposition of Special Actinide Target Materials... Sodium, samarium, and europium beta''-alumina derivatives characterized by XPS... Isotopic composition of a sample enriched in Zr-93... Kinetics of the High Temperature Oxygen Exchange Reaction on 238PuO2 Powder... Key Links ORCID DOE Science Highlight Organizations Isotope Science and Engineering Directorate Radioisotope Science and Technology Division