Mayanka Chandra Shekar
Research Scientist in Biomedical Natural Language Processing
Mayanka Chandra Shekar is a Research Scientist in Biomedical Natural Language Processing and AI at Computational Sciences and Engineering Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. In ORNL, she is working on natural language processing for free-text electronic health records under the Veteran Affairs’ MVP prostate cancer exemplar and VISION, National Cancer Institute-Department of Energy’s Modeling Outcomes using Surveillance data and Scalable Artificial Intelligence for Cancer (MOSSAIC), and Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center’s Mental Health Trajectory projects. She is building large language transformer models for predictive modeling as part of the Exascale Computing Project- Cancer Distributed Learning Environment (ECP-CANDLE). She received her Ph.D. in transfer learning and domain adaptation in image and text datasets from the University of Missouri-Kansas City.