Loren L Funk Detector Scientist Contact 865.241.2122 | funkll@ornl.gov All Publications Large area position sensitive detector for thermal neutrons Neutron Detectors for Scattering Applications... Improved neutron-gamma discrimination for a 3He neutron detector using subspace learning methods... Optimizing ZnS/6LiF scintillators for wavelength-shifting-fiber neutron detectors... A High Count Rate Neutron Beam Monitor for Neutron Scattering Facilities Characterization of the Neutron Detector Upgrade to the GP-SANS and BIO-SANS Instruments at HFIR... Wavelength-Shifting-Fiber Scintillation Detectors for Thermal Neutron Imaging at SNS A Multi-Anode Photomultiplier Tube Based Wavelength-Shifting-Fiber Detector for neutron diffraction A High Count Rate Beam Monitor for Thermal Neutrons Key Links ORCID Organizations Neutron Sciences Directorate Neutron Technologies Division Neutron Instrument Technologies (RP) Section Detectors Group