Josina Geringer is a Nuclear Projects Operations Specialist who specializes in nuclear irradiated material studies for fusion and advanced reactor technologies in the Material Science and Technology Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Industrial Engineering from the University of Pretoria, South Africa, and a Master’s degree in Nuclear Engineering from North-West University, South Africa.
She largely contributes to DOE Nuclear Energy’s Advanced Reactor Technology (ART) program with specific focus on high temperature reactors working with U.S. industry partners such as X-Energy and Kairos. Her responsibilities include managing graphite irradiation experiments and qualification programs as well as developing codes and standards for composite and graphite materials. She’s an active member of ASME BPVC Section III where she serves as secretary for the Non-metallic Design and Materials and General Requirements for Graphite and Ceramic Composite Core Components and Assemblies working groups in Section III Division 5.
As project manager for the Fusion Materials Program, her portfolio is focused on the materials research collaboration programs that exist between the US, Japan and Europe under the direction of DOE Fusion Energy Sciences. The programs include participation between several universities and laboratories within the US and Japan as well as strategic partnerships with the National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology and the EUROfusion supported program with Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.
She is also leading the strategic partnership with the Canadian Nuclear Laboratories (CNL) materials HFIR irradiation program in support of the DOE Nuclear Energy’s Light Water Reactor Sustainability program.