James T Matta Research Staff Contact 865.341.2094 | mattajt@ornl.gov All Publications Maximum Likelihood Spectrum Decomposition for Isotope Identification and Quantification Measurement of the Antineutrino Spectrum from 235U Fission at HFIR with PROSPECT First Search for Short-Baseline Neutrino Oscillations at HFIR with PROSPECT Decays of the Three Top Contributors to the Reactor ¯νe High-Energy Spectrum, 92Rb, 96gsY, and 142Cs, Studied with Total Absorption Spectroscopy Development of techniques for gantryless associated-particle imaging... Characterization of the ORNL SiPM PSD ASIC's Basic Properties Evolution of structure and shapes in Er158 to ultrahigh spin Complete β-decay patterns of 142Cs,142Ba, and 142La determined using total absorption spectroscopy... Gantryless Associated-Particle Neutron Radiography... Chiral-like doublet band structure and octupole correlations in Ag104 Deciphering 98Nb β decay with the Modular Total Absorption Spectrometer at ORNL Determination of β-decay feeding patterns of 88Rb and 88Kr using the Modular Total Absorption Spectrometer at ORNL HRIBF Nonfuel antineutrino contributions in the ORNL High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR) The radioactive source calibration system of the PROSPECT reactor antineutrino detector A low mass optical grid for the PROSPECT reactor antineutrino detector Lithium-loaded liquid scintillator production for the PROSPECT experiment The PROSPECT reactor antineutrino experiment Performance of a segmented 6Li-loaded liquid scintillator detector for the PROSPECT experiment Key Links Google Scholar ORCID GitHub Organizations Physical Sciences Directorate Physics Division Nuclear Science and Advanced Technology Section Radiation Imaging and Advanced Diagnostics Group