Himel Barua is an R&D associate member of Electric Drive research group. He works on thermal management system development, multiphysics simulation and mechanical structural analysis and vibration of power electronics components and electric machines. He received his PhD from The University of Akron, OH in 2021. His research interest is applying CFD and FEA approach in different applications like power electronics , electric machines, chemically reactors and manufacturing system. He is also interested in mechatronics system development and embedded system programming. He received his Masters from University of Akron, OH and Bachelor from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) in Mechanical Engineering.
Professional Experience
R&D Associate, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Post doctoral research associate, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Thermal Engineer, Mando -Halla Mechatronics
CFD engineer, Amway
PhD in Mechanical Engineering
Master's in Mechanical Engineering
Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering
Professional Affiliations
Professional member, IEEE