Dr. Georgeta Radulescu is a Senior Research and Development (R&D) Staff member in the Radiation Transport Group, Nuclear Energy and Fuel Cycle Division, at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), where she has been employed since 2005. Her technical expertise includes application of variance reduction methods to complex shielding calculations, depletion calculations and source term generation, depletion code validations for spent nuclear fuel (SNF) burnup credit applications, cross-section sensitivity and uncertainty analyses, and nuclear heating calculations. At ORNL, Georgeta’s main areas of research include projects related to commercial SNF dry storage and transportation of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), Office of Nuclear Safety and Safeguards and Office of Regulatory Research, and the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Nuclear Energy. She performed confirmatory shielding analyses to support NRC licensing reviews of SNF transportation systems, dry storage systems, and proposed consolidated interim storage facilities, and developed recommendations for the areas of shielding review of applications for U.S. NRC Certificate of Compliance for spent fuel dry storage casks and Type B radioactive material transportation package designs. She generated shielding analysis models and on-the-fly shielding analysis libraries for the Storage, Transportation & Disposal Analysis Resource and Data System (STANDARDS). Georgeta’s prior work experience includes working as a nuclear engineer on shielding analyses and design for waste packages, fuel handling facilities, and emplacement drifts at the Yucca Mountain Project, Las Vegas, NV, and working as a research scientist at the 14-MW TRIGA Research Reactor, Pitesti, Romania. Georgeta has an M.S. degree in Engineering Physics from University of Bucharest and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from The University of Texas at Austin.
2013: ORNL Significant Event Reward for “Development of Technical Basis for NRC Regulatory Guidance to Enable Expanded Utilization of High-Capacity Spent Nuclear Fuel Storage and Transportation Systems;” Team: J. M. Scaglione, G. Radulescu, I. C. Gauld, D. E. Mueller, G. Illas, W. J. Marshall, and J. C. Wagner.
2021: Copyright Award for "Used Nuclear Fuel-Storage, Transportation & Disposal Analysis Resource and Data System (UNF-ST&DARDS) 4.x." Team: K. Banerjee, J. B. Clarity, R. M. Cumberland, R. A. Lefebvre, H. K. Liljenfeldt, L. P. Miller, G. Radulescu, K. R. Robb, and J. M. Scaglione.