Gbadebo A Oladosu Senior Research Staff (Economist) Contact 865.576.2485 | All Publications Bubbles in US gasoline prices: Assessing the role of hurricanes and anti–price gouging laws Structural Break and Causal Analyses of U.S. Corn Use for Ethanol and Other Corn Market Variables 2020 Cost Analysis of Hydropower Options at Non-Powered Dams Costs of mitigating the environmental impacts of hydropower projects in the United States Impacts of oil price shocks on the United States economy: A meta-analysis of the oil price elasticity of GDP for net oil-importing economies A Dynamic Simulation of the Indirect Land Use Implications of Recent Biofuel Production and Use in the United States. Estimates of the Global Indirect Energy-Use Emission Impacts of USA Biofuel Policy... Global Economic Effects of US Biofuel Policy and the Potential Contribution from Advanced Biofuels... Sources of Corn for Ethanol Production in the United States: A Review and Decomposition Analysis of the Empirical Data Identifying the Oil Price-Macroeconomy Relationship: An Empirical Mode Decomposition Analysis of U.S. Data... The economic impacts of the September 11 terrorist attacks: a computable general equilibrium analysis... Income distribution impacts of climate change mitigation policy in the Susquehanna River Basin Economy... Estimated capital costs of fish exclusion technologies for hydropower facilities Evaluating the incentive for soil organic carbon sequestration from carinata production in the Southeast United States Cost of Fish Exclusion and Passage Technologies for Hydropower Sensitivity of the U.S. economy to oil prices controlling for domestic production and imports... An Assessment of Non-Powered Dam Hydropower Development Opportunities in the United States The waterSHED Model: User Guide Environmental design of low-head run-of-river hydropower in the United States: A review of facility design models Hydropower Capital and O&M Costs: An Exploration of the FERC Form 1 Data Hydropower Supply Chain Deep Dive Assessment... An Assessment of Hydropower Environmental Mitigation Costs 2018 Benefits Study of Emergency IEA Oil Stocks: Final CRADA Report An economic evaluation of alternative biofuel deployment scenarios in the USA... Biofuel-Food Market Interactions:A Review of Modeling Approaches and Findings Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Next page ›› Last page Last » Key Links ORCID Organizations Biological and Environmental Systems Science Directorate Environmental Sciences Division Biodiversity and Sustainable Systems Section Environmental Risk and Energy Analysis Group Energy Science and Technology Directorate Water Power Program Fossil Energy Program