Dr. Oladosu is a Senior Research Economist and has worked at Oak Ridge National laboratory (ORNL) since 2002. Dr. Oladosu conducts economic analyses of energy supply, use and related policies, along with corresponding environmental implications. He has worked on issues such as greenhouse gases mitigation, energy management in developing economies, biofuel supply and policies, oil supply/demand management.
He is conducting analyses on the economics of hydropower development in the United States and the implications of new oil production in the United States for the economic impacts of oil market shocks, among other topics. He has published in peer reviewed journals including, Energy Economics, Energy Journal, Energy Policy, Applied Energy, Risk Analysis and Renewable & Sustainable Reviews. He serves as a reviewer for the Energy Journal, Energy Policy, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Energies, among others, Dr. Oladosu received his Ph.D. in Energy and Environmental Economics from Pennsylvania State University, and a B.Sc. degree in Agricultural Engineering from Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU), Nigeria.