Dr. Gautam Thakur is a Senior Staff Scientist and the founding group leader of the Location Intelligence Group in the Geospatial Science and Human Security Division. His research interest span interconnected topics related to activity-driven human mobility modeling, place-based characterization, multi-scale global land use modeling, passive sensing, and spatially explicit disinformation detection. He graduated from the Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering at the University of Florida with a Ph.D. in computer science and information engineering and a dissertation on mobility modeling in large-scale networks. Previously, he worked at Deutsche Telekom Research Laboratories, Berlin, on transportation system modeling and understanding the network anatomy of major cities worldwide. He also worked at Disney Research Laboratory, Zürich, on activity-driven mobility modeling of guests visiting the Disney theme parks. His research on developing the “Framework for the Analysis of Realistic Mobility Models” (IEEE INFOCOM) was the only paper selected for the ITC best paper award, in coordination with IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc) from the papers published in seven IEEE conferences. Dr. Thakur is a Senior member of both ACM and IEEE.
Senior Member, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2019
Technology transfer to iEdapts Inc., 2019
Copyright award, ORNL, 2018
Significant Event Award, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 2017
IEEE Communication Society InternetTC Best Paper award, 2015
ACM SIGSPATIAL top three best vision paper, 2015
ACM SigSpatial Best paper award, IWCTS 2013
ORNL Director awarded certificate for exceptional service to ORNL postdoctoral association, 2014
Recipient of prestigious ERCIM Alain Bensoussan Fellowship-The European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics, Nov' 2012.