I am a human health and environmental risk assessor in Environmental Risk and Energy Analysis group. My professional mission statement is "Apply risk management practices to ensure implementation of effective and innovative environmental restoration techniques at hazardous waste sites through the development of risk assessment models and establishment of national guidance and policy."
My work with Superfund, developing national guidance and policy, through computational websites, helps me be an effective risk assessor when doing site assessments or reviewing the work of others. Particularly, my involvement with the Regional Screening Levels for chemicals and multiple PRG websites for radionuclides keeps my work state of the art.
Research Interests:
- Human Health, Ecological, and Environmental Risk Assessment
- Environmental Remediation Strategy Maximization
- Computational Platform Development of National Risk Assessment Guidance
Projects I manage:
- The Risk Assessment Information System (RAIS)
- Regional Screening Levels for Chemical Contaminants at Superfund Sites (RSL)
- Regional Removal Management Levels for Chemicals (RML)
- Vapor Intrusion Screening Level) (VISL),
- Radon Vapor Intrusion Screening Level (RVISL)
- Preliminary Remediation Goals for Radionuclides (PRG)
- Dose Compliance Concentrations for Radionuclides (DCC)
- Building Preliminary Remediation Goals for Radionuclides (BPRG)
- Dose Compliance Concentrations for Radionuclides in Buildings (BDCC)
- Surface Preliminary Remediation Goals for Radionuclides (SPRG)
- Dose Compliance Concentrations for Radionuclides in Outdoor Surfaces (SDCC)
- Radiation Conversion (converts activity to cpm) (CPM)
- Radionuclide Decay Chain
Professional Services:
- CERCLA risk assessment preparation
- Web-based calculator and database development and hosting
- Review of human health and environmental risk assessments