Elizabeth M Herndon Senior Staff Scientist Contact herndonem@ornl.gov | 865.341.0330 All Publications Phosphorus Interactions with Iron in Undisturbed and Disturbed Arctic Tundra Ecosystems... Modeling Interactive Effects of Manganese Bioavailability, Nitrogen Deposition, and Warming on Soil Carbon Storage Sulfur speciation in Sphagnum peat moss modified by mutualistic interactions with cyanobacteria Influence of contrasting redox conditions on iron (oxyhydr)oxide transformation and associated phosphate sorption Rapid screening of wood and leaf tissues: investigating silicon-based phytoliths in Populus trichocarpa for carbon storage applications using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy–energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy Variability in soil redox response to seasonal flooding in a vernal pond... Manganese sources and rates impact plant Mn concentrations and soil Mn fractions Lime slurry treatment of soils developing on abandoned coal mine spoil: Linking contaminant transport from the micrometer to pedon-scale Manganese effects on plant residue decomposition and carbon distribution in soil fractions depend on soil nitrogen availabili... Plant-Soil Relationships Influence Observed Trends Between Manganese and Carbon Across Biomes Effects of C/Mn Ratios on the Sorption and Oxidative Degradation of Small Organic Molecules on Mn-Oxides Simulated Hydrological Dynamics and Coupled Iron Redox Cycling Impact Methane Production in an Arctic Soil... A Critical Review on the Multiple Roles of Manganese in Stabilizing and Destabilizing Soil Organic Matter... Manganese uptake by red maples in response to mineral dissolution rates in soil... Spectroscopic and computational investigations of organometallic complexation of group 12 transition metals by methanobactins from Methylocystis sp. SB2 Colloidal metal transport in soils developing on historic coal mine spoil... Biogeochemical Controls on the Potential for Long-Term Contaminant Leaching from Soils Developing on Historic Coal Mine Spoil... Formation of secondary mineral coatings and the persistence of reduced metal-bearing phases in soils developing on historic coal mine spoil Formation of secondary mineral coatings and the persistence of reduced metal-bearing phases in soils developing on historic c... Hydrogeochemical processes limiting aqueous and colloidal Fe export in a headwater stream impaired by acid mine drainage... Seasonal mixing from intermittent flow drives concentration‐discharge behaviour in a stream affected by coal mine drainage... Iron and iron-bound phosphate accumulate in surface soils of ice-wedge polygons in arctic tundra... Biogeochemical Cycling of Redox‐Sensitive Elements in Permafrost‐Affected Ecosystems... Micron-scale distribution controls metal(loid) release during simulated weathering of a Pennsylvanian coal shale... Iron (Oxyhydr)Oxides Serve as Phosphate Traps in Tundra and Boreal Peat Soils... Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Next page ›› Last page Last » Key Links Curriculum Vitae Google Scholar ORCID Personal Website Organizations Biological and Environmental Systems Science Directorate Environmental Sciences Division Earth Systems Science Section Plant - Soil Interactions Group