Ehab M Hassan Research Associate Contact 865.341.1740 | All Publications Core-Pedestal Plasma Configurations in Advanced Tokamaks Gyrokinetic simulations compared with magnetic fluctuations diagnosed with a Faraday-effect radial interferometer-polarimeter in the DIII-D pedestal Gyrokinetic Analysis of Inter-Edge Localized Mode Transport Mechanisms in a DIII-D Pedestal Reduced models for ETG transport in the tokamak pedestal A survey of pedestal magnetic fluctuations using gyrokinetics and a global reduced model for microtearing stability Identifying the Microtearing Modes in the pedestal of DIII-D H-modes using Gyrokinetic Simulations... Gyrokinetic benchmark of the electron temperature-gradient instability in the pedestal region SENSITIVITY OF CORE TRANSPORT PREDICTION TO THE SEPARATRIX TEMPERATURE AND DENSITY IN TOKAMAK L-MODE AND OHMIC REGIMES Imaging the Future Threats of the Sand Dunes Along the Northwestern Coast of Nile Delta Using SAR INTEGRATED PLASMA AND ENGINEERING DESIGN AND ASSESSMENT FOR TOKAMAK REACTOR COMPONENTS... Searching the Plasma Geometry and Configuration Spaces for Feasible Tokamak Design Point DIII-D research advancing the physics basis for optimizing the tokamak approach to fusion energy Key Links Curriculum Vitae ORCID Organizations Fusion and Fission Energy and Science Directorate Fusion Energy Division Burning Plasma Foundations Section Plasma Theory and Modeling Group