Daisuke joined ORNL in 2013. He is a R&D Staff Scientist whose research is primarily carried out at the DIII-D National Fusion Facility in San Diego, CA, and also collaborates internationally on the JET experiment in the UK and on KSTAR in Korea. He is a member of the Advanced Tokamak Physics Group in the Fusion Energy Division, within the Fusion and Fission Energy and Science Directorate. His work focuses on the development of pellet fueling and disruption mitigation techniques for fusion plasmas. In 2021, he was selected by the DOE Office of Science for its Early Career Research Program, for his project titled “Precision Science and Control of Pellet Fueling for Optimizing Tokamak Plasma Scenarios”. He also leads the Disruption Mitigation physics area within the DIII-D program, and is a member of the ITER Disruption Mitigation Task Force. In 2021 he led the Fusion Energy Sciences Joint Research Target on “Shattered Pellet Injection for Disruption Mitigation on ITER”. Before joining ORNL, he was a Postdoctoral Researcher with Columbia University. He received his Ph.D. in Applied Physics from Columbia University in 2012, and his B.S. from the University of California, Berkeley in 2006.