Christopher Seck Portrait Image

Chris M Seck

Research Scientist

A detail-oriented, technical experimental physicist with over eight years of professional experience in matrix research organizations specializing in surface-ion-trap-based quantum information science and quantum computing with wide ranging experience including developing complete diode and solid-state laser, electronics, electro-, acousto-, and free-space-optical systems. Serves as principal investigator (PI) for multi-institution collaborative projects. Technical lead of ion trapping experiments in spectroscopy, precision measurement, quantum information, and quantum computing/simulation as well as optical clock/gate laser development. An effective technical project manager able to lead teams to complete project milestones in an efficient and robust, yet versatile manner while effectively communicating team progress to a technical and/or general audience.

Research Scientist (Band 3), Quantum Computing and Sensing Group, January 2021-present
Research Scientist for Quantum Information Science (Band 2), Quantum Computing and Sensing Group, January 2020-December 2021

Georgia Tech Research Institute:
Research Scientist II, Quantum Systems Division


  • Distinguished Early Career Scientist, Computational Sciences & Engineering Division, 2021.
    • For outstanding technical contributions to develop new ion trapping capabilities: Chris Seck leads a quantum science center project (approximately $3M) and two active LDRD’s (over $2M) to give ORNL improved quantum simulation capability using trapped calcium ion qubits. One LDRD focuses on developing low noise cryo trap while the second seeks to develop ML techniques to make ion tap quantum simulator need less domain expert tuning with the goal of making them eventual edge compute resources.
  • Outstanding Scholarly Output Team Award, UT-Battelle Awards Night, 2020.
    • For exemplary performance in developing state-of-the-art quantum computing capability at ORNL. The ion-trap-based system, which is not commercially available, is necessary to both support ongoing research at ORNL and to anchor the laboratory’s future quantum information science programs. As a result, ORNL has its first matter-based quantum computer on site, joining a handful of elite institutions worldwide.
  • Spot Award, Computational Sciences & Engineering Division, 2020.
  • ORNL/UT-Battelle Supplemental Performance Award (SPA), December 2022.
    • Recognized for exceeding expectations, rising above unforeseen challenges, and going the extra mile to advance our missions.
  • ORNL/UT-Battelle Supplemental Performance Award (SPA), September 2024.
    • For continued effort on establishing a trapped ion program at ORNL and for facilitating reestablishing connections with GTRI to address ongoing technical challenges. Recognized for exceeding expectations, rising above unforeseen challenges, and going the extra mile to advance our missions.



  • GTRI Distinguished Performance Awards 2021, Best Paper Award, "High-fidelity Bell-state preparation with 40Ca+ optical qubits," June 2022.
  • GTRI Team Award, March 2018.

Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois
Doctor of Philosophy in Physics, September 2016

California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, California
Bachelor of Science Magna cum Laude in Physics, Minor in Mathematics, June 2009

Member, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Member, American Motorcycle Association (AMA)
Member, American Physical Society (APS)
Member, Sports Car Club of America (SCCA)
Member, The International Society for Optics and Photonics (SPIE)
Member, Optica (Formerly The Optical Society [OSA])
Member, Society of Physics Students (SPS)