Dr. Caroline Nesaraja's area of expertise is the critical analysis and evaluation of nuclear data on the structure and decay properties of nuclei. Her detailed determination of "best value" nuclear structure and decay data from all published experimental results are included in the ENSDF (Evaluated Nuclear Structure Data File) online database. Used by scientist all around the world, ENSDF is the predominant reference source of nuclear data and information for basic research and applied science areas such as nuclear energy, medical physics, and international security. Dr. Nesaraja is a member of the U.S. Nuclear Data Program and an advisor to the International Network of Nuclear Structure and Decay Data Evaluators at IAEA. In 2022, Nesaraja served in the NSAC-ND (Nuclear Science Advisory Committee- Nuclear Data) subcommittee and co-authored two reports to assess challenges, opportunities, and priorities for effective stewardship of nuclear data.
American Physical Society’s Committee on the Status of Women in Physics (CSWP)
Woman Physicist of the Month (June 2016)
In recognition of expertise in the critical analysis and
evaluation of nuclear data on the structure and decay
properties of nuclei.
UT Battelle Awards, Oak Ridge National laboratory
i) Director’s Outstanding Team Accomplishment
ii) Scientific Research
UT Battelle Awards for the first experimental demonstration that
tin-132 is a "doubly-magic" nucleus, the first such nucleus that
is neutron-rich and unstable - and one of only seven of all such
nuclei. (The Holifield Radioactive Ion Beam Facility measurement
used to verify this new nuclear equivalent of a noble gas mimics
reactions that are key to understanding the creation of heavy
elements in supernova explosions.)