Caleb P Massey
R&D Associate Staff Member, Advanced Fuel Fabrication and Instrumentation
Caleb Massey is a staff member in the Nuclear Fuel Materials Group at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. His research focuses on irradiation effects on materials, with a strong focus on advanced fuel and cladding systems for nuclear reactors. He joined the Nuclear Fuel Materials Group in 2019 after completing his Ph.D. in Nuclear Engineering at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Dr. Massey’s research interests span a variety of topics, including fundamental irradiation effects on metallic fuel, the use of mechanical alloying to design novel material systems, thermomechanical processing effects on metals and alloys, post-irradiation examination of irradiated materials, and the behavior of fuel/cladding systems in normal and transient reactor operating regimes.
Extraordinary Professional Promise Citation, University of Tennessee (2019)
DOE Nuclear Energy University Programs (NEUP) Graduate Student Fellowship (2015-2017)
DOE Nuclear Energy University Programs (NEUP) Undergraduate Scholarship Recipient (2013)
Virginia Commonwealth University Student Scholar (2011-2012)
Dominion Diversity Scholarship Recipient (2013)
Report Summarizing the Mechanical Properties of a Large ODS Ferritic Alloy Ingot by Forging at High…
Other Publications
C.P. Massey, D. Zhang, S.A. Briggs, P.D. Edmondson, Y. Yamamoto, M.N. Gussev, K.G. Field, Deconvoluting the Effect of Chromium and Aluminum on the Radiation Response of Wrought FeCrAl Alloys After Low-Dose Neutron Irradiation, Journal of Nuclear Materials 549 (2021).
P.D. Edmondson, C.P. Massey, M.A. Sokolov, T.M. Rosseel, An Atom Probe Tomography Study of the Through Wall Attenuation Effect on Cu-rich Precipitate Formation in a Reactor Pressure Vessel Steel, Journal of Nuclear Materials 545 (2021).
K.S. Mao, C.P. Massey, M.N. Gussev, Y. Yamamoto, A.T. Nelson, K.G. Field, P.D. Edmondson, Irradiation-induced amorphization of Fe-Y-based second phase particles in accident-tolerant FeCrAl alloys, Materialia 15 (2021).
D.T. Hoelzer, C.P. Massey, S.J. Zinkle, D.C. Crawford, K.A. Terrani, Modern nanostructured ferritic alloys: A compelling and viable choice for sodium fast reactor fuel cladding applications, Journal of Nuclear Materials 529 (2020).
C.P. Massey, P.D. Edmondson, K.A. Unocic, Y. Yang, S.N. Dryepondt, A. Kini, B. Gault, K.A. Terrani, S.J. Zinkle, The Effect of Zr on Precipitation in Oxide Dispersion Strengthened FeCrAl Alloys, Journal of Nuclear Materials, (2020)
C.P. Massey, D.T. Hoelzer, K.A. Unocic, Y.N. Osetskiy, P.D. Edmondson, B. Gault, S.J. Zinkle, K.A. Terrani, Extensive nanoprecipitate morphology transformation in a nanostructured ferritic alloy due to extreme thermomechanical processing, Acta Materialia 200 (2020) 922-931.
C.P. Massey, D.T. Hoelzer, R.L. Seibert, P.D. Edmondson, A. Kini, B. Gault, K.A. Terrani, S.J. Zinkle, Microstructural evaluation of a Fe-12Cr nanostructured ferritic alloy designed for impurity sequestration, Journal of Nuclear Materials 522 (2019) 111-122.
C.P. Massey, S.N. Dryepondt, P.D. Edmondson, M.G. Frith, K.C. Littrell, A. Kini, B. Gault, K.A. Terrani, S.J. Zinkle, Multiscale Investigations of Nanoprecipitate Nucleation, Growth, and Coarsening in Annealed low-Cr Oxide Dispersion Strengthened FeCrAl Powder, Acta Materialia, 166 (2019) 1-17.
C.P. Massey, P.D. Edmondson, K.G. Field, D.T. Hoelzer, S.N. Dryepondt, K.A. Terrani, S.J. Zinkle, Post Irradiation Examination of Nanoprecipitate Stability and α' Precipitation in an Oxide Dispersion Strengthened Fe-12Cr-5Al Alloy, Scripta Materialia, 162 (2019) 94–98.
X. Hu, L. Tan, K. Wang, C.P. Massey, D.T. Hoelzer, Y. Katoh, Deuterium retention in advanced steels for fusion reactor structural application, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 516 (2019) 144-151.
C.P. Massey, S.N. Dryepondt, P.D. Edmondson, K.A. Terrani, S.J. Zinkle, Influence of Mechanical Alloying and Extrusion Conditions on the Microstructure and Tensile Properties of Low-Cr ODS FeCrAl Alloys, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 512 (2018) 227-238.
S. Dryepondt, K.A. Unocic, D.T. Hoelzer, C.P. Massey, B.A. Pint, Development of low-Cr ODS FeCrAl alloys for accident-tolerant fuel cladding, Journal of Nuclear Materials 501 (2018) 59-71.
C. Massey, M. Umanzor, G. Vasudevamurthy, Thermal and mechanical properties of mechanically alloyed 304LSS-CNT metal matrix composites, Journal of Composite Materials 51(7) (2017) 1019-1028.
J. Carr, G. Vasudevamurthy, L. Snead, B. Hinderliter, C. Massey, Investigations of aluminum-doped self-healing Zircaloy surfaces in context of accident-tolerant fuel cladding research, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 25(6) (2016) 2347-2355.
C. Massey, J. Miller, G. Vasudevamurthy, Accident tolerant high-pressure helium injection system concept for light water reactors, Nuclear Engineering and Design 296 (2016) 62-69.
C.P. Massey, K.A. Terrani, S.N. Dryepondt, B.A. Pint, Cladding burst behavior of Fe-based alloys under LOCA, Journal of Nuclear Materials 470 (2016) 128-138.
G. Vasudevamurthy, A. Radecka, C. Massey, A high-temperature, short-duration method of fabricating surrogate fuel microkernels for carbide-based TRISO nuclear fuels, Journal of Ceramic Science and Technology 6(1) (2015) 25-30.