Benjamin is a Research Associate in the Remote Sensing in the Geospatial Science and Human Security (GSHS) Division of Oak Ridge National Laboratory. His research interests include applications of machine learning in remote sensing, multi-modal data fusion, image pre-processing, and data quality. His role in the Remote Sensing Group allows him to collaborate in a variety of projects across GSHS, working in such areas as population mapping, disaster response, and settlement classification. Benjamin received an MS in Geography from Auburn University (2017) and a BS in Earth System Science from The University of Alabama in Huntsville (2015).
May 2024
Journal: Scientific Data
May 2023
Book: Advances in Scalable and Intelligent Geospatial Analytics: Challenges and Applications (pages: 153 to 168)
December 2021
Journal: GIScience & Remote Sensing
February 2020
Journal: Transactions in GIS