Anne A Campbell R&D Staff - Nuclear Materials Contact 865.576.5463 | All Publications Review: Inelastic Constitutive Modeling: Polycrystalline Materials Understanding the effect of specimen size on the properties of fine-grain isotropic nuclear graphite for irradiation studies: Physical, electrical, thermal properties Understanding the effect of specimen size on the properties of fine-grain isotropic nuclear graphite for irradiation studies: Mechanical properties SEM and TEM data of nuclear graphite and glassy carbon microstructures... Texture analysis of AGR program matrix materials... Perspective on “code qualifying” new graphite grades for use in advanced nuclear reactors* Neutron thermalization in nuclear graphite: A modern story of a classic moderator Vacancy-Driven Variations in the Phonon Density of States of Fast Neutron Irradiated Nuclear Graphite... Super-resolution energy spectra from neutron direct-geometry spectrometers Development of mesopores in superfine grain graphite neutron-irradiated at high fluence Historical experiment to measure irradiation-induced creep of graphite Property Changes of G347A Graphite Due to Neutron Irradiation... Method for Analyzing Passive SiC Thermometry with a Continuous Dilatometer to Determine Irradiation Temperature... Status memorandum on ORNL support of Vendor Irradiation Capsule design and ASME irradiation code development and new ASTM test standard development activities Complete Degradation of Be2C at Conditions Expected in Molten Salt Environments Preliminary Investigation of the Effects of Neutron Irradiation on the Weibull Modulus of Graphite Neutronics Study of HTR-10: Impact of Graphite Porosity Representation in ENDF/B-VIII.1 TSLs Assessing criticality implications of porosity misrepresentation in ENDF/B-VIII.1 graphite TSLs and small angle neutron scattering in nuclear graphite DEVELOPMENT OF A GRAPHITE IRRADIATION QUALIFICATION PLAN FOR THE XE-100 REACTOR Fundamental Graphite Irradiation Behavior Research at ORNL for FY23 Equibiaxial Flexure Strength of a Superfine-Grained Nuclear Graphite Equibiaxial Flexure Strength of a Superfine-Grained Nuclear Graphite... Multiscale characterization and comparison of historical and modern nuclear graphite grades The Fracture Toughness of Nuclear Graphite Grades Fracture Toughness Characterization of Generation II FeCrAl Alloys after ~18 dpa Irradiation Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Next page ›› Last page Last » Key Links Curriculum Vitae Google Scholar ORCID LinkedIn Scopus Organizations Physical Sciences Directorate Materials Science and Technology Division Materials in Extremes Section Advanced Nuclear Materials Group