Amber B Webb Contact 865.341.1511 | All Publications Development of 225Ac-doped biocompatible nanoparticles for targeted alpha therapy Complete genome of Pseudomonas putida strain WBB028 isolated from leaf litter Quantifying platinum binding on protein-functionalized magnetic microparticles using single particle-ICP-TOF-MS Seasonality and longer-term development generate temporal dynamics in the Populus microbiome Unsupervised Deep Learning Image Segmentation for DNA Double Strand Breaks and Nuclei in Fluorescence Microscopy Images Microstructural and Rheological Transitions in Bacterial Biofilms Quantifying biofilm propagation on chemically modified surfaces Development of an Experimental Approach to Achieve Spatially Resolved Plant Root-Associated Metaproteomics Using an Agar-Plate System In Situ Detection of Amino Acids from Bacterial Biofilms and Plant Root Exudates by Liquid Microjunction Surface-Sampling Probe Mass Spectrometry Application of Machine Learning Techniques to an Agent-Based Model of Pantoea Identification of a diguanylate cyclase expressed in the presence of plants and its application for discovering candidate gene products involved in plant colonization by Pantoea sp. YR343 Total internal reflection enabled wide-field coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering microscopy Pore-scale hydrodynamics influence the spatial evolution of bacterial biofilms in a microfluidic porous network Modification of plant cell wall chemistry impacts metabolome and microbiome composition in Populus PdKOR1 RNAi plants Quantifying the Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Plant Root Colonization by Beneficial Bacteria in a Microfluidic Habitat Characterization of Indole-3-acetic Acid Biosynthesis and the Effects of This Phytohormone on the Proteome of the Plant-Associated Microbe Pantoea sp. YR343 MULTILAYER PLANT-IN-CHIP PLATFORM FOR NON-DESTRUCTIVE VISUALIZATION OF ROOT MORPHOLOGY DURING CO-CULTURE WITH BENEFICIAL BACTERIA Stochastic assembly of bacteria in microwell arrays reveals the importance of confinement in community development... Using Raman Spectroscopy and SERS for in-situ studies of rhizosphere bacteria... Key Links Curriculum Vitae ORCID Organizations Biological and Environmental Systems Science Directorate Biosciences Division Bioimaging and Analytics Section Molecular and Cellular Imaging Group