Alexander V Aleksandrov SNS Beam Instrumentation Group Leader Contact 865.241.8157 | All Publications Status of the Spallation Neutron Source beam test facility and progress of beam dynamics studies The Impact of High-Dimensional Phase Space Correlations on the Beam Dynamics in a Linear Accelerator Detailed characterization of a five-dimensional phase space distribution Analysis of a hadron beam in five-dimensional phase space Ramp Generator for Electron Scanner in SNS Beam Profile Measurements System Model/Measurement Comparison of the Transverse Phase Space Distribution of an RFQ-Generated Bunch at the SNS BTF Observation of Current-Driven Features of 2.5 Mev Ion Bunch With Complete and Efficient 5D Measurements at the SNS Beam Test Facility Measurements of the Five-Dimensional Phase Space Distribution of an Intense Ion Beam Beyond RMS: Understanding the Evolution of Beam Distributions in High Intensity Linacs... H− ion source research and development at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory Laser-assisted charge exchange as an atomic yardstick for proton beam energy measurement and phase probe calibration Rapid charge redistribution leading to core hollowing in a high-intensity ion beam... High dimensional characterization of the longitudinal phase space formed in a radio frequency quadrupole... Nonintrusive Measurement of Time-Resolved Emittances of 1-GeV Operational Hydrogen Ion Beam Using a Laser Comb... Virtual Slit for Improved Resolution in Longitudinal Emittance Measurement Installation and commissioning of the ion source systems for the new spallation neutron source 2.5 MeV injector Characterization and Modeling of High-Intensity Evolution in the SNS Beam Test Facility Sequential excitation scheme for laser stripping of hydrogen ion beams Status of the new SNS injector and external antenna ion source First Six Dimensional Phase Space Measurement of an Accelerator Beam... Technical Workings of the 6D Phase Measurement at SNS First Six Dimensional Phase Space Measurement of an Accelerator Beam A New 2.5 MeV Injector and Beam Test Facility for the Spallation Neutron Source 6D Phase Space Measurement of Low Energy, High Intensity Hadron Beam 6D Phase Space Measurement of Low Energy, High Intensity Hadron Beam Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Next page ›› Last page Last » Key Links ORCID Organizations Neutron Sciences Directorate