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Thermal Resilience of Residential Building with Thermally Anisotropic Building Envelope Connected to Geothermal Sources

Publication Type
Conference Paper
Book Title
ASHRAE Transactions
Publication Date
Page Numbers
642 to 651
Publisher Location
Chicago, Illinois, United States of America
Conference Name
2024 ASHRAE Winter Conference
Conference Location
Chicago, Illinois, United States of America
Conference Sponsor
American Society of Heating Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning
Conference Date

Heat waves and cold snaps have become more frequent and more intense because of climate change. A heat wave and a cold snap are a period of excessively hot and cold weather, respectively, that poses severe risks to building occupants’ health, especially for vulnerable people. They increase electrical energy consumption and put high stress on the grid which leads to potential power outages. Therefore, it is critical to assess and actively improve the thermal resilience of buildings to cope with heat waves, cold snaps, and power outages.
The thermally anisotropic building envelope (TABE) is a novel active building envelope that can save energy while maintaining thermal comfort in buildings by redirecting heat and coolness from building envelopes to hydronic loops. When connecting to a ground thermal loop (GL), TABE can utilize the relatively stable temperature of the ground to protect the indoor environment during heat waves and cold snaps. This study assesses the thermal resilience of residential buildings that installed TABE and used ground thermal energy to supply the hydronic loops, abbreviated as ground thermal loop or TABE+GL. The simulation and analysis are conducted for the US Department of Energy prototype single-family detached residential building in the hot climate of Miami, Florida and Tucson, Arizona, and the cold climate of Denver, Colorado, and Rochester, Minnesota. Heat waves and cold snaps were obtained from the historical weather data of 1998-2020 for the studied regions. Three thermal resilience metrics, including the standard effective temperature (SET) degree-hours, the Heat Index, and the Hours of Safety (HOS) were used to quantify the effect of TABE+GL. The results showed that buildings installed TABE+GL could significantly reduce the average SET degree-hours above 30°C, increase HOS, and greatly improve thermal resilience.