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Modeling and Preparation for Experimental Testing of Heat Fluxes on W7-X Divertor Scraper Elements...

Publication Type
Journal Name
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science
Publication Date
Page Numbers
1387 to 1392

Simulations of heat fluxes to the plasma facing components in the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator will be tested in its next operational phase. The simulations consist of core transport calculations that determine the evolution of the kinetic profiles and the toroidal current, which modifies the fluxes to the divertor, as the magnetic geometry changes. An additional divertor component, the scraper element, was designed to protect the edges of the primary divertor throughout this evolution during certain high-power long-pulse operational scenarios. The effect of unknown parameters of the heat flux calculations, namely, the cross-field thermal diffusivity and the magnetic field structure, is explored. The predicted scaling of the heat flux widths and magnitudes is presented, along with a new method of calculating the 3-D magnetic field structure required to perform the flux calculations.