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Deep Learning Scene Classification Experiments in Automatic Detection of Slums on Planetscope Imagery...

by Jacob W Arndt, Anurupa Roy, Marie L Urban, Wadzanai D Lunga
Publication Type
Conference Paper
Book Title
IGARSS 2024 - 2024 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium
Publication Date
Page Numbers
2723 to 2728
Publisher Location
New Jersey, United States of America
Conference Name
2024 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS)
Conference Location
Athens, Greece
Conference Sponsor
Conference Date

Population growth is increasingly happening in slum settlements of the large urban centers in the Global South. The term "slum" encompasses a wide range of communities, located mostly in underserved areas, and often exhibiting distinct structural and functional informalities with a relatively high concentration of marginalized populations. To address the issues confronting slums for effective planning and development, including the realistic estimation of the resident population, identifying them accurately is fundamental. Given the disagreements over a universal definition, diverse characteristic features, and socio-political limitations, global detection of slums is a veritable challenge. In this paper, we present experiments in slum detection using a scene classification algorithm and 3-meter spatial resolution satellite imagery. We train and evaluate the model for slum detection in Mumbai, India for the year 2023 and test the temporal generalization of the trained model on Mumbai in 2020 and 2018. In addition, we explore the pathways toward geographic generalization to Kolkata and Delhi (India). We discuss several limitations in the workflow and model, situate our findings in the existing literature, and suggest improvements and alternatives. With this, we establish baseline methods and experiments as a first step towards developing an image-based global slum detection framework and algorithm. This work adds to the community discussion on methods, data challenges, and open questions related to the detection of slums globally. With this research, we hope to improve our understanding of human settlements, especially in critical areas, improve population estimates, and help measure progress towards the sustainable development goals.