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Building digital twins of 3D printing machines

by Tarasankar Debroy, Wei Zhang, John A Turner, Sudarsanam Suresh Babu
Publication Type
Journal Name
Scripta Materialia
Publication Date
Page Numbers
119 to 124

Geometrical conformity, microstructure and properties of additivelymanufactured (AM) components are affected
by the desired geometry andmany process variableswithin given machines. Building structurally sound parts
with good mechanical properties by trial and error is time-consuming and expensive. Today's computationallyefficient,
high-fidelity models can simulate the most important factors that affect the AM products' properties,
and upon validation can serve as components of digital twins of 3D printing machines. Here we provide a perspective
of the current status and research needs for the main building blocks of a first generation digital twin
of AM from the viewpoints of researchers from several organizations.