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On the applicability of the Redlich-Kister framework for viscosity estimation of molten halide salt mixtures

by Anthony H Birri, Nicholas C Termini, Nora D Ezell
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Chemical Engineering Science
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For molten halide salt mixtures already being utilized or under consideration for carbon-free energy production systems, it is crucial that their viscosity is well understood so that system thermal hydraulics can be reliably assessed. Because of the difficulty in accurately measuring molten halide viscosity and the sheer size of the matrix of possible higher order salt mixtures that may be of interest to the energy industry, there are several gaps in the quantified understanding of molten halide viscosity across this matrix. As such, both first-principles and semi-empirical modeling techniques may be crucial for rapidly assessing this broad, complex compositional domain. Herein, the Redlich-Kister framework is applied to assess the feasibility of broadly interpolating and estimating the viscosity of several pseudobinary and pseudoternary molten halide salt systems that may be of key interest to the energy industry. The framework is based on the assumption that an ideal component and a nonideal component collectively describe the viscosity as a function of composition and temperature for a given molten halide system. Three different ideal models were considered for the ideal component, including Grunburg-Nissan, Katti-Chaudhri, and Gambill methods. Regarding the pseudobinary interpolations, the Redlich-Kister models with either the Grunburg-Nissan or Katti-Chaudhri models as the ideal component resulted in either highly (average error less than 5%) or reasonably (average error less than 15%) accurate interpolations of pseudobinary halide viscosity; BeF2- or UF4-bearing salts tended to result in reasonably accurate interpolations, whereas other pseudobinary mixtures tended to show high accuracy. Regarding the pseudoternary extrapolations, the Redlich-Kister framework shows reasonable success at estimating the extent to which a pseudoternary system may indicate deviations from ideal Grunburg-Nissan mixing, where discrepancies with comparative experimental data generally stay within 30%. The primary reasons identified for such discrepancies are (1) inaccuracy in the underlying experimental data, (2) different complexation behavior in the higher order systems compared to the pseudobinary subsystems, and (3) extrapolation into temperatures too far out of the domain, which is valid for the underlying experimental data feeding the Redlich-Kister model.