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Quantum Heterostructures


To discover or artificially create materials that host topological quantum phenomena in environments that facilitate external control of quantum states


To advance fundamental understanding of strong correlation effects leading to exotic topological quantum phenomena important for development of energy and quantum information technologies

R&D Scope

Our research is focused on the exploration of quantum phenomena resulting from the interplay between topology and strong correlation using epitaxial thin films as a platform for synthesis of novel quantum materials and atomic-scale structures. These fundamental electronic and magnetic phenomena and discoveries enable new functionalities and possible future applications in microelectronics and quantum information technologies. Critical to achieving this objective is integrating advanced characterization methods and device fabrication to characterize high-quality epitaxial thin films and heterostructures, as well as novel bulk quantum material platforms that serve as functional substrates. 

The main film growth approaches include molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) and pulsed laser deposition (PLD) where the single-layer control can enable synthesis of a vast array of chemical compositions including chalcogenides and oxides, as well as nitrides. The key focus is on understanding phenomena captured broadly under the umbrellas of topology and correlated phases which span novel forms of magnetism, superconductivity, metal-insulator transitions, novel dielectric properties, density waves that emerge or are modified in bulk-like films to atomically thin monolayers, and interfaces between dissimilar materials. 

To understand and ultimately apply new fundamental properties, we use advanced X-ray diffraction and X-ray spectroscopies, neutron scattering, muon spectroscopy, and temperature-dependent electrical transport measurements. To explore future applications in quantum information science as well as microelectronics, we have close integration with device-level microfabrication and quantum-based characterization including quantum sensing modalities that span nanoscale Josephson and Andreev probes, spin-based quantum sensors, and quantum optical probes to measure classically inaccessible material signatures. The synthesis efforts serve as a basis for extensive collaboration with a broad range of characterization and computational efforts within ORNL, as well as nationally and internationally. 

Core Competencies

  • Developing and perfecting model material systems using epitaxial thin films and heterostructures grown by MBE and PLD, including interface properties exploiting proximity effects between semiconductors, superconductors, and magnetic materials
  • Determine the structure-property relationship by measurements of atomic structure and physical properties using X-ray diffraction, X-ray and muon spectroscopies and neutron scattering
  • Reveal the electronic structure evolution by in situ and post-growth characterization of thin films and bulk crystals subject to a variety of stimuli using angle-resolved and spin-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES, SARPES)
  • Exploring the role of disorder as an order parameter for electronic and magnetic structures and physical properties in general through systematic control of compositionally complex oxides thin films
  • Manipulation and measurement of color centers in quantum photonic systems as well as other novel quantum sensing modalities using squeezed light, spin-defects, and superconducting probes
  • Measurement and control of out-of-equilibrium properties of matter using a combination of optical and neutron probes 
Gyula Eres
Group Leader, Quantum Heterostructures