The Mass Spectrometry and Laser Spectroscopy group is a diverse team of experts in analytical and physical chemistry with an extensive range of state-of-the-art and novel instrumentation used for fundamental and applied research based around mass spectrometry and laser spectroscopy of complex systems.
Much of our current research focuses on:
- Multimodal imaging for chemical imaging of plant-microbial interactions, interfaces, tissues and other complex systems
- Nonlinear laser spectroscopy and microscopy of electronic and molecular processes in complex materials
- Mass spectrometry for high throughput and sensitive chemical characterization
We specialize in developing and applying the next generation of technologies to probe and chemically characterize complex systems.
Group Capabilities
Mass Spectrometry
- High Resolution Orbitrap MS
- High Resolution Time-of-Flight MS
- Triple Quadrupole MS
- Ion Mobility Time-of-Flight
Ultrafast and Surface Specific Spectroscopy
- Vibrational Sum Frequency Generation
- Electronic Sum Frequency Generation
- Transient Absorption Spectroscopy
Liquid Extraction-Surface Sampling
- Open-Port Sampling Interface
- DropletProbe
- FlowProbe
- Liquid-Vortex Capture
Nonlinear Optical Imaging
- Transient Absorption Microscopy
- Coherent anti-Stokes Raman Microscopy
- Sum Frequency and Second Harmonic Generation Microscopy
- Multiphoton Fluorescence Microscopy
Our Group In The News
Polymers get caught up in love-hate chemistry of oil and water
Click here for more information.
Single Cell Mass Spectrometry Technology wins R&D100 Award
Click here for more information.
ORNL video highlights MSLS single cell analysis technology
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Ben Doughty Wins DOE BES Early Career Award
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Open Port Sampling Interface Wins Technology Transfer Award
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MSLS Group Wins Federal Laboratory Consortium award for OPSI Invention
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TouchExpress OPSI Featured in The Analytical Scientist
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Advion Introduces TouchExpress Open Port Sampling Interface for their expression® Compact Mass Spectrometer (CMS)
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Open Port Sampling Interface (OPSI) Licensed
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