ORNL's Quality Assurance Program (QAP) supports excellence in our science and technology missions through development of a quality culture that contributes to scientific and operational excellence, research integrity, and continual improvement by defining the processes to deliver quality products and services to both our internal and external customers. Our QAP Description is the Laboratory's highest level quality management document and describes the UT-Battelle approach to the integration of quality principles and methodologies into work planning and control processes to address contractual quality requirements and to achieve consistent success.
Fundamentals of the ORNL QA Program
- Implemented to meet the requirements conveyed through DOE Order 414.1D, Quality Assurance and 10 CFR 830 Subpart A, Quality Assurance Requirement.
- Features ISO 9001:2015 as the Laboratory's consensus standard.
- Structured with the flexibility to apply additional standards, requirements, or guidance documents such as ASME NQA-1 and ANSI Z1.13 on a project or process-specific basis based on potential risk factors and customer needs.
- Common-sense application of QA principles and requirements to fit the needs of each activity, process, project, or program based on the DOE-mandated concept of graded approach.
- Conveyed to Laboratory staff and management through the web-based Standards Based Management System, ORNL's institutional mechanism for ensuring that applicable laws, regulations, orders, policies, and best practices are adequately translated and incorporated into policies and procedures.