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Lester Price

Lester Price
Lester Price

Interim Director
US ITER Project

Les Price is serving as US ITER Interim Project Director. Mr. Price was the DOE Federal Project Director for construction of the Spallation Neutron Source, a Department of Energy Basic Energy Sciences user facility. He retired from DOE when the project was completed in 2006. Since then, Mr. Price has worked as a project management consultant on a number of DOE projects, including USITER.

With over more than 40 years of professional experience with DOE, Mr. Price has served in leadership roles with DOE’s fusion, nuclear, environmental, energy, and basic sciences programs. He worked at DOE headquarters early in his career in the Office of Fusion Energy and the Office of Space Nuclear Systems.

Mr. Price holds a B.S. in Nuclear Engineering from the University of Tennessee and is a graduate of the Oak Ridge School of Reactor Technology (ORSORT). His certifications include  Level 4 DOE Federal Project Director, Project Management Professional with the Project Management Institute, and DOE Senior Technical Safety Manager.