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Executive Order (E.O.) 13423

Executive Order (E.O.) 13423 Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy, and Transportation Management, was signed January 26, 2007. The executive order directs Federal agencies to achieve these goals:

  • Increase purchases of alternative fuel, hybrid, and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles when commercially available.
  • Reduce use of petroleum in fleet vehicles by 2% per year through 2015.
  • Increase alternative fuel consumption at least 10% annually.
  • Reduce energy intensity by 3% per year through 2015 or 30% by 2015, which would also reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Ensure 50% of current renewable energy purchases comes from sources placed in service after January 1, 1999.
  • Construct or renovate buildings using sustainability strategies, including resource conservation, reduction, and use; siting; and indoor environmental quality.
  • Reduce water consumption intensity by 2% annually through 2015.
  • Expand purchases of environmentally-sound goods and services.
  • Reduce use of chemicals and toxic materials, and purchase lower risk chemical and toxic materials from top priority list.
  • Ensure 95% of purchased electronic products meet Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool standards, where applicable; enable Energy Star® features on all computers and monitors; and reuse, donate, sell, or recycle 100% electronic products using environmentally sound management practices.
  • Implement Environmental Management Systems (EMS) and use EMS as the primary management approach for managing environmental aspects of internal agency operations and activities.

This Fact Sheet provides more information.