Yashika Ghai is an R&D Staff Scientist in Fusion Energy Division at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). She is an expert in fundamental plasma physics and high-performance computing (HPC), and currently investigates the behavior of energetic particles in fusion plasma environments such as neutral beam-injected high-energy deuterium ions, fusion-born alphas, and runaway electrons produced during disruptions.
Yashika joined ORNL in 2019 as a postdoctoral researcher in the Fusion energy division. Since May 2021, Yashika has been a permanent staff member in the Plasma Theory and Modeling group. She earned her Ph.D. in theoretical plasma physics from Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, in 2019. During her Ph.D., Yashika focussed on studying nonlinear waves and coherent structures in space dusty plasma environments.
Yashika is passionate about promoting fusion science to the general public and engaging in educational outreach. She co-chairs the Education and Outreach Committee for the Fusion and Fission Energy Sciences Directorate (FFESD). During her Ph.D., she volunteered as an editor for the science blog "The Secrets of the Universe" (https://secretsofuniverse.in/), where she regularly wrote popular science articles and shared her research experiences. She co-authored the "Month of Equations" series, posting daily articles on famous scientific equations, and contributed to the “Basics of Astrophysics” series.
Professional Experience
Yashika studies Alfvén instabilities driven by energetic particles in fusion devices that may transport and de-confine the energetic particles, leading to inefficient self-heating of a fusion plasma. Her work involves developing theoretical models and working with simulation codes to study these instabilities and finding ways to mitigate them.
In 2024, Yashika was awarded an Early Career LDRD grant to develop a surrogate model of energetic particle transport due to Alfvén eigenmodes. This model will be integrated into the FREDA framework to analyze the impact of energetic particle transport on the burn performance of reactor-level fusion devices.
Yashika is also contributing to several DOE projects including a SciDAC project known as "FREDA- Fusion REeactor Design and Assessment". This project aims to deliver an integrated modeling tool that combines plasma core physics with edge and scrape-off layer regions, and integrates these with the first wall and engineering components for the design and optimization of fusion pilot plants.
- Early-Career LDRD award for project titled "Role of energetic particle transport on burn control in fusion devices" - 2024
- Won the title of best 2-minute talk in ORNL-wide contest “Your Science in a Nutshell 2020” - 2020
- Awarded International Travel Grant from Department of Science and Technology (DST-SERB), India for attending “45th IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science (ICOPS 2018)”, at Denver (CO), USA -2018
- Awarded Research Travel grant for attending “Joint 13th Asia Pacific Physics Conference and 22nd Australian Institute of Physics Congress” at Brisbane, Australia -2016
- Awarded Department of Science and Technology (DST), India award for participation in “66th Lindau Meeting of Nobel laureates & students”, 2016 at Lindau, Germany -2016
Ph.D. (Theoretical Plasma Physics) -Department of Physics, Guru Nanak Dev University, India, August, 2014 - July 2019
M.Sc. (Hons.) Physics - Department of Physics, Guru Nanak Dev University, India, 2012-2014
B.Sc. Phys., Math and Comp.Sci.- D.A.V. College, Amritsar, India, 2009-2012
Professional Service
- Executive Committee member: US-EU Transport Task Force meeting (TTF) - 2024 onwards.
Program committee member- “ Sherwood Fusion Theory Conference 2022” held from April 3-6, 2022 at Santa Rosa, CA.
Scientific reviewer for Journals - Nuclear Fusion, Physics of Plasmas, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, Waves in Random and Complex Media, Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A- A journal of physical sciences.
Co-organizer of ITPA-Energetic particles meeting held at Oak Ridge in May, 2023.
Mentoring under-graduate and high-school students.
Co-mentored an under-graduate student from Georgia Tech university under Suli Internships program at ORNL during Summer-2021.
Chairperson of directorate level FFESD education outreach committee at ORNL.
Participant of ITPA-energetic particles activity.
APS-Career mentoring fellow
Panelist for “Early Career panel” at the Pathways to Computing Internship Program (PCIP) workshop at ORNL.
Participated in a mock interview panel for MIT graduates as part of WINGS employee resource group at ORNL.
Served at Interview panels for Group leader, Division Director, Post doc recruitment.