Yadu Sasikumar R&D Associate Staff Member Contact sasikumary@ornl.gov All Publications Fatigue Testing and Characterization of Pre-hydrided Zircaloy-4 Cladding Tubes Sister Rod Destructive Examinations (FY23) Appendix J: Leaching of High Burnup Used Nuclear Fuel in Deionized Water Sister Rod Destructive Examinations (FY23) Appendix B: Segmentation, Defueling, Metallographic Data and Total Cladding Hydrogen Key results from examinations of seven high burnup pressurized water reactor spent nuclear fuel rods... Sister Rod Destructive Examinations (FY23) Appendix C: Rod Internal Pressure, Void Volume, and Gas Transmission Tests Sister Rod Destructive Examinations (FY23) Appendix I: SNF Aerosols Released During Rod Fracture Assessing the release, transport, and retention of radioactive aerosols from hypothetical breaches in spent fuel storage canisters Metallographic examinations and hydrogen measurements of high-burnup spent nuclear fuel cladding... Sister Rod Destructive Examinations (FY23) Appendix F: Cyclic Integrated Reversible-Bending Fatigue Tests... Progress Report on Model Development for Aerosol Transport through Divergent Cracks Paths Sister Rod Destructive Examinations (FY22) Appendix J: Leaching of High Burnup Used Nuclear Fuel in Deionized Water Sister Rod Destructive Examinations (FY21) Appendix C: Rod Internal Pressure, Void Volume, and Gas Transmission Tests Sister Rod Destructive Examinations (FY22) Appendix F: Cyclic Integrated Reversible-Bending Fatigue Tests... Sister Rod Destructive Examinations (FY22) Appendix I: SNF Aerosols Released During Rod Fracture Computational modeling and validation of a modified Marple cascade impactor Experimental Investigation of Aerosol Release from Spent Nuclear Fuel Fractures Progress Report on Model Development for the Transport of Aerosol through Microchannels Sister Rod Destructive Examinations (FY21) Appendix F: Cyclic Integrated Reversible-Bending Fatigue Tests Sister Rod Destructive Examinations (FY20) Appendix I: SNF Aerosols Released During Rod Fracture Sister Rod Destructive Examinations (FY21) Appendix J: Leaching of High Burnup Used Nuclear Fuel in De-ionized Water Experimental Plan for Commercial SNF Degradation in Repository Environments with a Focus on Fracture Matrix Degradation Key Links ORCID LinkedIn Organizations Fusion and Fission Energy and Science Directorate Nuclear Energy and Fuel Cycle Division Integrated Fuel Cycle Section Used Fuel and Nuclear Material Disposition Group