Xiaohua Hu R&D Staff Contact 865.574.1124 | hux3@ornl.gov All Publications A Gaussian Process-Based extended Goldak heat source model for finite element simulation of laser powder bed fusion additive manufacturing process A macro-micro approach for identifying crystal plasticity parameters for necking and failure in nickel-based alloy haynes 282 Utilizing integrated neutron diffraction and elastoplastic self-consistent crystal plasticity model to quantitatively assess the strengthening mechanism in Al–12.5Ce and Al–12.5Ce–0.4Mg alloys Crystal plasticity modeling and analysis for the transition from intergranular to transgranular failure in nickel-based alloy Inconel 740H at elevated temperature Micro–macro finite element modeling method for rub response in abradable coating materials... A mesoscale crystal plasticity model to predict room-temperature deformation and martensitic transformation of high-strength ... Prediction of the influence of strain magnitude and strain path on the resulting microstructure and post-forming mechanical behavior of RA containing high formability steels Extend an innovative HPC-Compatible Multiple Temporal-spatial Resolution Concurrent Finite Element Modeling Approach to Guide Laser Powder Bed Fusion Additive Repurposing the θ (Al2Cu) phase to simultaneously increase the strength and ductility of an additively manufactured Al–Cu alloy A cycle-jump acceleration method for the crystal plasticity simulation of high cycle fatigue of the metallic microstructure Comparison of three state-of-the-art crystal plasticity based deformation twinning models for magnesium alloys Modeling Deformation and Failure in AlSi-Polyester Abradable Sealcoating Material Using Microstructure-Based Finite Element Simulation Effect of microstructure on fatigue crack propagation in additive manufactured nickel-based superalloy Haynes 282: an experiment and crystal plasticity study Experiment and non-local crystal plasticity finite element study of nanoindentation on Al-8Ce-10Mg alloy The Role of Interface in Additively Manufactured Interpenetrating Composites Temperature-dependent constitutive modeling of a magnesium alloy ZEK100 sheet using crystal plasticity models combined with in situ high-energy X-ray diffraction experiment Advanced High-Strength Steel—Basics and Applications in the Automotive Industry... Synchrotron experiment and simulation studies of magnesium-steel interface manufactured by impact welding Austenite formation and cementite dissolution during intercritical annealing of a medium-manganese steel from a martensitic condition A finite element formulation for deformation twinning induced strain localization in polycrystal magnesium alloys... The In Situ Observation of Phase Transformations During Intercritical Annealing of a Medium Manganese Advanced High Strength Steel by High Energy X-Ray Diffraction Multi-Scale Characterization and Simulation of Impact Welding Between Immiscible Mg/Steel Alloys Molecular Dynamics Study on Interface Formation and Bond Strength of Impact-Welded Mg-Steel Joints Surface engineering to enhance heat generation and joint strength in dissimilar materials AZ31 and DP590 ultrasonic welding Influence of copper content on the high temperature tensile and low cycle fatigue behavior of cast Al-Cu-Mn-Zr alloys... Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Next page ›› Last page Last » Key Links Google Scholar Web of Science LinkedIn Organizations Energy Science and Technology Directorate Manufacturing Science Division Precision Manufacturing and Manufacturing Innovation Deposition Science and Technology Group Secure and Digital Manufacturing Section User Facilities Manufacturing Demonstration Facility