William A Wieselquist SCALE Director Contact 865.574.0204 | wieselquiswa@ornl.gov All Publications Comparative Analysis of Standard and Advanced USL Methodologies for Nuclear Criticality Safety Isotopic and Fuel Lattice Parameter Trends in Extended Enrichment and Higher Burnup LWR Fuel Vol II: BWR Fuel Isotopic and Fuel Lattice Parameter Trends in Extended Enrichment and Higher Burnup LWR Fuel Vol I: PWR fuel Key Nuclear Data Impacting Reactivity in Advanced Reactors... SCALE Code System Data-Driven and Precursor-Group Uncertainty Propagation of Lattice Kinetic Parameters in UAM Benchmark SCALE Analyses of Scenarios in the High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor Fuel Cycle Validation of the SCALE/Polaris–PARCS Code Procedure With the ENDF/B-VII.1 AMPX 56-Group Library: Boiling Water Reactor Validation of the SCALE/Polaris−PARCS Code Procedure with the ENDF/B-VII.1 AMPX 56-Group Library: Pressurized Water Reactor Sensitivity Analysis of the SCALE/Polaris-PARCS Code Procedure for Watts Bar Unit 1 and Peach Bottom Unit 2 Current Overview of Neutron Moderator Thermal Scattering Kernels for HALEU-Fueled Advanced Reactors Review of Available Critical Experiments and Critical Experiments Facilities to Perform High-Assay Low-Enriched Uranium Fuel Transport Validation for Advanced Reactor Deployment Dancoff-Based Wigner-Seitz Approximation for the Embedded Self-Shielding Method in SCALE/Polaris Neutronics Study of HTR-10: Impact of Graphite Porosity Representation in ENDF/B-VIII.1 TSLs Benchmark Calculations for Turkey Point Unit 3 and Surry Unit 1 using the SCALE/Polaris--PARCS Procedure SCALE 6.3 Modeling Strategies for Reactivity, Nuclide Inventory, and Decay Heat of Non-LWRs Assessing criticality implications of porosity misrepresentation in ENDF/B-VIII.1 graphite TSLs and small angle neutron scattering in nuclear graphite SCALE 6.3.1 Radiation Source Terms and Shielding Analysis for a Postulated Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactor Accident Scenario Core Physics Characteristics of Extended Enrichment and Higher Burnup Boiling Water Reactor Fuel SCALE Demonstration for Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor Fuel Cycle Analysis SCALE depletion capabilities for molten salt reactors and other liquid-fueled systems... SCALE 6.3.2 User Manual Photonuclear Physics in SCALE Non-LWR Fuel Cycle Scenarios for SCALE and MELCOR Modeling Capability Demonstration FY 2023 Summary Report - Pebble Bed Reactor Domestic Safeguards... Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 … Next page ›› Last page Last » Key Links Curriculum Vitae ORCID Organizations Fusion and Fission Energy and Science Directorate Nuclear Energy and Fuel Cycle Division Nuclear Modeling and Simulation Development and Deployment Section Nuclear Transmutation and Decay Physics SCALE