Wei Lu Neutronics Scientist Contact 865.241.9603 | luw2@ornl.gov All Publications Observations of radiation-enhanced ductility in irradiated Inconel 718: Tensile properties, deformation behavior, and microst... Modeling Needs for High Power Target Upgraded fiber-optic sensor system for dynamic strain measurement in Spallation Neutron Source Characterization of mechanical properties and deformation behavior of highly irradiated 316L stainless steel from target modules at the Spallation Neutron Source using digital image correlation analysis Final Design Report Proton Power Upgrade Project Experience with Automatic CAD to MCNP Model Conversion at ORNL’s SNS... Neutronics Analyses for the Spallation Neutron Source Second Target Station Characterization of a Liquid Ammonia Moderator Observation of coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering Recent Improvements To CINDER2008 and Activation Analysis Tools Observation of coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering Conceptual Moderator Studies for a SNS Short-pulse Second Target Station... Introducing single-crystal scattering and optical potentials into MCNPX: Predicting Neutron Emission from a Convoluted Moderator SNS Second Target Station Moderator Studies SNS shielding analyses overview... Enhancing Neutron Beam Production with a Convoluted Moderator Methods and Procedures for Shielding Analyses for the SNS NOBLE GAS PRODUCTION FROM MERCURY SPALLATION AT SNS Fusion Material Irradiation Test Facility (FMITS) at SNS THE CINDER’90 TRANSMUTATION CODE PACKAGE FOR USE IN ACCELERATOR APPLICATIONS IN COMBINATION WITH MCNPX... SNS SECOND TARGET STATION MODERATOR PERFORMANCE UPDATE... BEAM STOP DESIGN METHODOLOGY AND DESCRIPTION OF A NEW SNS BEAM STOP Edge States and Optical Transition Energies in Carbon Nanoribbons... AN ENVIRONMENT USING NUCLEAR INVENTORY CODES IN COMBINATION WITH THE RADIATION TRANSPORT CODE MCNPX FOR ACCELERATOR ACTIVATIO... Organizations Neutron Sciences Directorate Neutron Technologies Division Neutron Instrument Technologies (RP) Section Neutronics Group