CINDER2008 is a transmutation code that calculates induced radioactivity for either reactor- or accelerator-driven radiation sources. Several Perl scripts have been developed to treat multi-cell problems in combination with either the radiation transport code MCNPX or a special version of MCNPX that writes residual nuclide tallies from model-based physics directly in the MCNPX output file. These scripts simplify the preparation of CINDER input, and can use CINDER output to prepare the source term for a subsequent MCNPX run to calculate dose rates due to activated material. In addition, these scripts support calculations with the transmutation codes SP-FISPACT and ORIHET-3. A number of improvements have been made to CINDER, its data libraries, and the Perl scripts, including (1) substantial corrections to the data libraries, (2) inclusion of recent revisions to USDOE HC-2/HC-3 thresholds and the corresponding thresholds for regulatory bodies in other countries, (3) the ability to run the CINDER accident analysis tool through the script input file, and (4) an easier way to write the script input file when treating a large number of cells. Some features of running CINDER and a number of example problems are discussed.