Dr. Tolga Aytug is a Senior Research Staff Member of the Chemical Sciences Division and Distinguished UT-Battelle Inventor at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. He has more than 20 years of experience in processing of advanced materials using both physical and chemical vapor deposition approaches as well as advanced materials characterization and property correlations for process optimization. His primary research interests are fabrication of thin film heterostructures using both physical vapor and chemical deposition approaches, thermodynamic and kinetic effects on phase nucleation and structure formation as well as development of unique nanostructured material systems and composites for various energy technologies, and novel approaches for the development of transparent and non-transparent nanostructured superhydrophobic coatings. He has authored and co-authored over 100 publications and has written two book chapters. He has 18 issued and 5 more pending US patents. He has commercialized and licensed his technologies to 6 companies.
Research interest and expertise:
- Epitaxial growth of thin film heterostructures using various techniques including dc and rf-magnetron sputtering, pulsed laser ablation, electron beam evaporation, metal organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) and chemical solution (Metal Organic Decomposition and Sol-Gel) approaches.
- Epitaxial thin film multilayers of ferroelectric perovskites, magnetoresistive oxides, nitrides and metals on single crystals and textured metal substrates.
- Relationships between film microstructure, defects, and diffusion properties on an atomic scale.
- Thermodynamic and kinetic effects on phase nucleation, structure formation and stability of oxide and nitride thin films.
- Physical, chemical, and electrical properties of superconducting materials, oxide, nitride, metal and CMR thin films including electrical transport and magnetic properties.
- Process development for electrically conductive MXene–polymer nanocomposite films.
- Synthesis and design of window, absorber, and electrode layers for thin film-based photovoltaics on glass and flexible materials.
- Novel approaches for the development of transparent and non-transparent nanostructured superhydrophobic coatings.
- Photonic processing approaches for conductive interconnects based on nanoparticle inks for printed flexible electronics.
- Integrative design of high-performance graphene based electrode materials for all-solid-state, optically transparent flexible supercapacitors on polymer platforms.
- Chemical synthesis approaches for the development of novel radiation resistant polymer-ceramic based nanocomposite dielectric materials for nuclear environments.
- Processing strategies for insulating and conducting oxide and nitride thin films as buffer layers on biaxially textured Cu, Ni and Ni-alloy tapes.
- Synthesis and characterization of bulk and thin films of mercury-, thallium- and yttrium-based high temperature superconducting cuprates.
- Ion and neutron irradiation effects on the physical/chemical and microstructural properties of nanoparticle doped yttrium-based high temperature superconductors.
- Effects of gamma radiation on the mechanical and electrical properties of the composite polymer systems.
- Mechanisms of magnetic vortex phenomena in high-temperature superconducting films.
- Synthesis of two-dimensional, self-organized arrays of various oxide and metal nanoparticles with controlled size, orientation, and concentration on technological substrates.
- Effects of nanoparticle surface engineering on flux-pinning properties of superconducting films.
- Synthesis and formation of chemically phase separated and structurally self-assembled composite structures in epitaxial thin films.
- Processing strategies for the fabrication and electrical stabilization of high critical current density superconducting wires.
- Novel processing strategies for carbon nanomaterial enabled ultra-conductive metal (Cu or Al) composites
- Metallization layers, die-attach materials and assembly concepts for high temperature power electronics packaging.
- Design concepts and fabrication of integrated high temperature, high frequency thin film ceramic capacitors for power electronic modules.
T. Aytug in: “Applied Superconductivity, Handbook on Devices and Applications (2015), Wiley-VCH” ISBN: 978-3-527-41209-9
T. Aytug in: “Flux Pinning and AC Loss Studies on YBCO Coated Conductors (2007), Nova Science Publishers” ISBN: 1-60021-692-7
Professional Experience
1997-1999 Research/Teaching Assistant: University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS
1999-2000 Post-graduate Research Associate: Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN
2000-2003 Post-doctoral Research Associate: Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN
2003-2007 Research Assistant Professor: University of Tennessee, Dept. of Phys., Knoxville, TN
2007-Present Adjunct Professor: University of Tennessee, Dept. of Phys., Knoxville, TN
2007-Present Senior Research Staff Member: Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN
(2021) R&D100 Award for UCC: Ultraconductive Copper-CNT Composites
(2020) Battelle Celebration of Solvers Award
(2019) UT-Battelle (ORNL) Inventor of the Year Award
(2017) UT-Battelle (ORNL) Technology Transfer Award. This represents the highest individual technical award for outstanding scientific accomplishment at ORNL
(2017) National Federal Laboratory Consortia Award for excellence in technology transfer for Superhydrophobic Transparent Glass Thin Film Innovation License to Samsung
(2017) ORNL Significant Event Award for licensing of the optically transparent nanostructured superhydrophobic coatings technology to Samsung
(2015) R&D 100 Award for Multifunctional Superhydrophobic Transparent Glass Coating.
(2014) Research Accomplishment Award (ORNL). This represents the highest individual technical award for outstanding scientific accomplishment at ORNL
(2014) R&D 100 Award for The Super-hydro-tunable HiPAS Membranes
(2014) ORNL Significant Event Award for licensing of the technology on optically transparent nanostructured superhydrophobic coatings to United Protective Technologies
(2012) R&D 100 Award for Low-Cost Plasma Processing System for Research and Pilot Production
(2011) Southeast and National Federal Laboratory Consortia Award for excellence in technology transfer for flexible thin-film solar photovoltaics on RABiTS
(2010) R&D 100 Award for High-Performance, High-Tc Superconducting Wires Enabled via Self-Assembly of Non-Superconducting Columnar Defects
(2009) ORNL Significant Event Award for establishment of MOCVD capabilities at ORNL to produce high-performance superconductor films
(2008) ORNL Significant Event Award for development of IBAD based second generation superconducting wires
(2007) Southeast and (2008) National Federal Laboratory Consortia Award for excellence in technology transfer of LaMnO3 – buffers to fabricate high-performance, high-temperature superconducting tapes
(2007) R&D 100 Award for High-Performance LaMnO3-Enabled, High Temperature Superconducting Tape
(FY 2006-2008) American Chemical Society, Petroleum Research Grant
(2006) ORNL Excellence in Technology Transfer Award, Oak Ridge National Laboratory. (This is one of the highest technical awards given at ORNL)
(2004) Exceptional Accomplishment, U.S.D.O.E. Superconductivity Program Peer Review
(1994-1998) Turkish higher education council fellowship. This is the highest level of fellowship awarded in Turkey for exceptional students to study abroad
2000: University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas (Ph.D. - Physics)
1994: Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey (MS - Physics)
1991: Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey (BS - Physics)
Professional Service
- Editorial Board Member, Superconductor Science and Technology (2010-present)
- Associate Technical Editor, IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity (2008-present)
- Symposium organizer: Materials Science and Technology Conference (2006), Materials Research Society Spring Meeting (2008), The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society Annual Meeting (2019, 2020, 2021)
- Organizer for symposium entitled “Advances in superconductivity: Heterostructures, Materials Functionalization, and Nanoscale Optimization” in the Materials Research Society, Spring 2008
- Co-organizer for symposium entitled “Nanostructured Materials: Synthesis, Characterization and Applications” in the Materials Science and Technology Conference 2006
- Reviewer of professional journal articles (e.g. J. Matter. Res., Physica C, Appl. Phys. A, IEEE Trans. on Appl. Supercond., Supercond. Sci. and Technol., J. Elec. Matter., Physical Review B, Appl. Surf. Sci., etc.)
- Session chairman at numerous symposia
- Member: Sigma Xi Scientific Research Society, Materials Research Society, American Chemical Society
- Ph.D. thesis advisor (University of Tennessee), Mentor for undergraduate interns, visiting high-school teachers and university faculty seeking research experience
Specialized Equipment
- X-ray diffraction: powder, texture and pole figure analysis
- Microscopy: SEM/EDAX, AFM, and Optical; Profilometry
- Spectroscopy: XAS, SAM, RBS, SIMS, and Optical (UV-Vis-NIR transmittance and reflectivity)
- Mechanical: Dynamic mechanical analysis, uniaxial tensile measurements
- Electrochemical characterization techniques
- Static and dynamic contact angle measurements
- Residual gas and thermal gravimetric analysis
- Electrical transport by four-point technique and Hall-effect measurements
- Vacuum techniques, deposition equipment, roll-to-roll equipment and processing
- Rf- and dc-magnetron sputtering, MOCVD, CVD, Screen-printing, Tape-casting, Spin- and dip-coating techniques
- Photonic curing techniques using pulsed thermal processing
- Air-sensitive techniques and equipment (e.g., Schlenk apparatus and dry box)
- Thin film patterning using photolithography
Trademarks and Patents
Inventor, “Metal-carbon composites and methods for their production”, U.S. Patent No. 11,325,348; May 10, 2022
Inventor, “Anti-fingerprint coatings”, U.S. Patent No. 11,292,919; Apr. 5, 2022
Inventor, “Superhydrophobic transparent glass (STG) thin film articles”, U.S. Patent No. 11,292,288; Apr. 5, 2022
Inventor, “Transparent omniphobic thin film articles”, U.S. Patent No. 10,844,479; Nov. 24, 2020.
Inventor, “Super-surface selective nanomembranes providing simultaneous high permeation flux and high selectivity, U.S. Patent No. 10,179,313; Jan. 15, 2019.
Inventor, “Superhydrophobic films and methods for making superhydrophobic films”, U.S. Patent No. 9,771,656; Sept. 26, 2017.
Inventor, “Optically transparent, superhydrophobic, biocompatible thin film coatings and methods for producing same”, U.S. Patent No. 9,752,049; Sept. 5, 2017.
Inventor, “Super-surface selective nanomembranes providing simultaneous high permeation flux and high selectivity”, U.S. Patent No. 9,308,501; Apr. 12, 2016.
Inventor, “Superhydrophobic transparent glass (STG) thin film articles”, U.S. Patent No. 8,741,158; June 3, 2014.
Inventor, “Hetero-junction photovoltaic device and method of fabricating the device”, U.S. Patent No. 8,647,915; Feb 11, 2014.
Inventor, “Method for producing microstructured templates and their use in providing pinning enhancements in superconducting films deposited thereon”, U.S. Patent No. 8,486,864; July 16, 2013.
Inventor, "Phase separated, epitaxial composite cap layers for electronic device applications, and method of making the same", U.S. Patent No. 8,221,909, July 17, 2012.
Inventor, “Chemical Solution Deposition Method of Fabricating Highly Aligned MgO Templates”, U.S. Patent No. 8,088,503; Jan 3, 2012.
Inventor, “Chemical Solution Deposition Method of Fabricating Highly Aligned MgO Templates”, U.S. Patent No. 7,553,799 B2; June 30, 2009.
Inventor, “Superconductors on Iridium Substrates and Buffer Layers”, U.S. Patent No. 7,432,229 B2; October 7, 2008.
Inventor, “Method of Depositing an Electrically Conductive Oxide Buffer Layer on a Textured Substrate and Articles Formed There from,” U.S. Patent No. 6,956,012; October 18, 2005.
Inventor, “Buffer Layers and Articles for Electronic Devices,” U.S. Patent No. 6,764,770; July 20, 2004.
Inventor, “Method of Depositing an Electrically Conductive Oxide Buffer layer on a Textured Substrate and Articles Formed There from,” U.S. Patent No. 6,617,283 B2; September 9, 2003.