Thomas Zac Ward
Group Leader, Functional Hybrid Nanomaterials
Core Competencies:
- Experimental Condensed Matter Physics
- Novel Materials Design and Synthesis for Functional Energy, Computing, Sensing Applications
- Single Crystal Film and Bulk Ceramic Synthesis
- Quantum Materials, Energy Materials, High Entropy Materials
- Electronic, Magnetic, and Structural Characterization using Suite of Lab-Scale to Beamline Approaches
- Prototype Device Fabrication
- University of Tennessee, Knoxville Ph.D. Physics 2008 (Chair: Ward Plummer)
- University of Missouri, Columbia B.S. Physics 2004
- University of Missouri, Columbia B.A. English Literature
Research Experience:
- 2009-Present Senior Research Staff, ORNL
- 2009-2011 Wigner Fellow, ORNL
Professional Activities:
- Editorial Advisory Board: Journal of Applied Physics
- Panelist, US National Academies’ Condensed Matter and Materials Research Committee
- Chair, Telluride Science Research Center Workshop
- Co-Chair, International Conference on High-Entropy Materials (ICHEM 2022)
- Elected Executive Committee: AVS Magnetic Interfaces and Nanostructures Division
- MRS Symposium and Tutorial Organizer: Multiple Spring and Fall meetings
- AVS Organizer: Magnetic Interfaces and Nanostructures symposia
- MMM-Intermag Symposium Organizer
- Active member of APS, AAAS, MRS
Education and Outreach:
- Science Advisor, NASA Space Center Houston Outreach Programs
- Mentor, ORNL-Appalachian Regional Commission summer research program (4-5 students/yr)
- Volunteer Staff, ORNL Traveling Science Fair
- Elementary classroom science demonstrations
- Mentor, ORAU-Siemens Teachers as Researchers program
Students and Postdoctoral Scholars Advised:
Graduate Students: Anthony T. Wong (Ph.D. 2017, now Staff Engineer at NASA JPL); Dr. Hangwen Guo (Ph.D. 2012, now Assoc. Prof. Physics, Fudan University, China)
Post-docs: Dr. Alessandro Mazza (2019-2023, now Staff, LANL), Dr. Xingyao Gao (2020-2021, now Staff, Applied Materials), Dr. Wenrui Zhang (2019-2020, now Staff Scientist, Institute of Materials, CAS), Dr. Yogesh Sharma (2016-2019, now Staff, Applied Materials), Dr. Andreas Herklotz (2015-2017, now Research Prof. Physics, Martin Luther University Halle, Germany), Dr. Christianne Beekman (2010-2013, now Assoc. Prof. Physics, Florida State University)
- 2017 Department of Energy Early Career Award
- 2016 ORNL Significant Event Award
- 2009 ORNL Eugene P. Wigner Fellowship
- 2008 American Physical Society’s Outstanding Dissertation Award in Magnetism