Shruti R Kulkarni Research Scientist Contact 865.574.6201 | All Publications Smart pixel sensors: towards on-sensor filtering of pixel clusters with deep learning Scaling neural simulations in STACS Explaining Neural Spike Activity for Simulated Bio-plausible Network through Deep Sequence Learning Arithmetic Primitives for Efficient Neuromorphic Computing Attention for Causal Relationship Discovery from Biological Neural Dynamics... An FPGA-Based Neuromorphic Processor with All-to-All Connectivity Hyperparameter Optimization and Feature Inclusion in Graph Neural Networks for Spiking Implementation SuperNeuro: A Fast and Scalable Simulator for Neuromorphic Computing On-Sensor Data Filtering using Neuromorphic Computing for High Energy Physics Experiments Encoding integers and rationals on neuromorphic computers using virtual neuron Abisko: Deep codesign of an architecture for spiking neural networks using novel neuromorphic materials Virtual Neuron: A Neuromorphic Approach for Encoding Numbers Neuromorphic Accelerator for Deep Spiking Neural Networks with NVM Crossbar Arrays Neuromorphic Computing for Scientific Applications A Review of Non-Cognitive Applications for Neuromorphic Computing Avoiding excess computation in asynchronous evolutionary algorithms Semi-Supervised Graph Structure Learning on Neuromorphic Computers Smoky Mountain Data Challenge 2021: An Open Call to Solve Scientific Data Challenges Using Advanced Data Analytics and Edge Computing Opportunities for Neuromorphic Computing Algorithms and Applications Avoiding Excess Computation in Asynchronous Evolutionary Algorithms... Intelligent Prediction of States in Multi-port Autonomous Reconfigurable Solar power plant (MARS) Benchmarking the Performance of Neuromorphic and Spiking Neural Network Simulators A Software Framework for Comparing Training Approaches for Spiking Neuromorphic Systems Neuromorphic Computing for Autonomous Racing Training Spiking Neural Networks with Synaptic Plasticity under Integer Representation Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Next page ›› Last page Last » Key Links Google Scholar ORCID Organizations Computing and Computational Sciences Directorate Computer Science and Mathematics Division Data and AI Systems Section Learning Systems Group