Seyong Lee

Seyong Lee

Senior R&D Staff

Seyong Lee is a Senior R&D Staff in the Computer Science and Mathematics Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. His research interests include parallel programming and performance optimization in heterogeneous computing environments, program analysis, and optimizing compilers. He received his PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Purdue University, USA.
He is a member of the OpenACC Technical Committee and the Exascale Computing Project PathForward Working Group.
He served as a program committee/guest editor/external reviewer for various conferences, journals, and proposals.
His SC10 paper won the best student paper award, and his PPoPP09 paper was selected as the most cited paper among all papers published in PPoPP between 2009 and 2014.
He received the IEEE Computer Society TCHPC Award for Excellence for Early Career Researchers in High Performance Computing at SC16 and served as an award committee member for 2017 IEEE CS TCHPC Award.  
See his website for more information: