Satoshi Okamoto

Satoshi Okamoto

Research Staff

Satoshi Okamoto is a condensed-matter theorist, working on strongly-correlated electron systems, such as unconventional superconductors, quantum magnets, and topological insulators. He uses a variety of theoretical techniques ranging from analytical ones, such as Hartree-Fock approximation, auxiliary-particle methods (slave boson, slave fermion and Schwinger boson), spin-wave expansion, bosonization, to numerical ones, such as density functional theory, dynamical mean field theory, and exact diagonalization methods. He is also working on transport phenomena, including fractional Chern insulators and spin-Hall effects. 


2006/12 — present: Research Staff, Materials Science & Technology Division, ORNL

2013/09: Visiting Scientist, Strong Correlation Physics Division, Center for Emergent Matter Science, Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN)

2010/09: Visiting Scientist, Advanced Science Institute, RIKEN

2003/04 — 2006/11: Postdoctoral Research Scientist, Department of Physics, Columbia University

2001/04 — 2003/03: Special Postdoctoral Researcher, RIKEN

1998/04 — 2001/03: Research Fellow, Tohoku University 

2006: IUPAP Young Scientist Medal in the field of magnetism, for theoretical/computational work

2016: APS Fellow (Division of Condensed Matter Physics)

2001: Ph. D. in Physics, Tohoku University

1998: M. Eng. in Applied Physics, Nagoya University

1996: B. Eng. in Applied Physics, Nagoya University

2016/11/27 — 12/02: Co-organizer of Symposium EM5—Materials and Mechanisms of Correlated Electronic Phenomena in Oxide Heterostructures, 2016 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit, Boston, Massachusetts

2017/04/18 — 21: Co-organizer of Symposium ES10—Frontiers in Oxide Interface Spintronics—Magnetoelectrics, Multiferroics and Spin-Orbit Effects, 2017 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit, Phoenix, Arizona

2018/03/05 — 09: Co-organizer of Focus Session—10.1.3 Magnetic Oxide Thin Films and Heterostructures, 2018 APS March Meeting, Los Angeles, California


American Physical Society 

Physical Society of Japan