Rafael Ferreira Da Silva Group Leader Contact silvarf@ornl.gov | 865.341.1894 All Publications An exploration of online-simulation-driven portfolio scheduling in Workflow Management Systems Frontiers in Scientific Workflows: Pervasive Integration With High-Performance Computing... Integrating quantum computing resources into scientific HPC ecosystems Report from Dagstuhl Seminar 23352: Integrating HPC, AI, and Workflows for Scientific Data Analysis A High-level Design for Bidirectional Data Streaming to High-Performance Computing Systems from External Science Facilities Julia as a unifying end-to-end workflow language on the Frontier exascale system... Towards Lightweight Data Integration Using Multi-Workflow Provenance and Data Observability Automated generation of scientific workflow generators with WfChef... PSI/J: A Portable Interface for Submitting, Monitoring, and Managing Jobs... Evaluating the Cloud for Capability Class Leadership Workloads... Driving Next-Generation Workflows from the Data Plane WfCommons: Data Collection and Runtime Experiments using Multiple Workflow Systems Workflows Community Summit 2022: A Roadmap Revolution On the Feasibility of Simulation-Driven Portfolio Scheduling for Cyberinfrastructure Runtime Systems... Pseudonymization at Scale: OLCF’s Summit Usage Data Case Study WfBench: Automated Generation of Scientific Workflow Benchmarks Co-scheduling Ensembles of In Situ Workflows Sim-Situ: A Framework for the Faithful Simulation of in situ Processing... Unveiling User Behavior on Summit Login Nodes as a User... Workflows Community Summit: Tightening the Integration between Computing Facilities and Scientific Workflows... A Community Roadmap for Scientific Workflows Research and Development... Key Links Google Scholar ORCID LinkedIn GitHub Personal Website Organizations Computing and Computational Sciences Directorate National Center for Computational Sciences Advanced Technologies Section Workflows and Ecosystem Services Group