Dr. Hanson is a Corporate Fellow of the Environmental Sciences Division and the Climate Change Science Institute of Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Dr. Hanson has a B.A. degree in biology from St. Cloud State University, St. Cloud, Minnesota, in 1981, and both M.S. (1983) and Ph.D. (1986) degrees from the University of Minnesota, St. Paul in plant and forest tree physiology. He has authored or co-authored over 240 journal articles and book chapters and has co-edited (and authored) a book titled “North American Temperate Deciduous Forest Responses to Changing Precipitation Regimes”.
Dr. Paul J. Hanson has over 36 years of professional research experience conducting environmental effects studies related to energy technologies and their use. His expertise focuses on the physiological, growth, and biogeochemical cycling responses of woody plant ecosystems, and has encompassed research on acid rain, nitrogen deposition, mercury deposition, ozone effects on woody plants, and environmental and atmospheric change effects associated with precipitation change, elevated CO2 atmospheres, and warming. Dr. Hanson is known for developing field-scale manipulative experimental infrastructures.
Dr. Hanson’s has served as a scientific advisor and mentor to more than 25 individuals ranging from students, visiting teachers, postdoctoral researchers, and visiting scientists. In his role as the coordinating, principal investigator for the DOE-funded SPRUCE warming and CO2 exposure experiment, he fosters opportunities for collaborative research and development with over 100 outside University and external Laboratory colleagues. Dr. Hanson previously served as a Subject Editor for journal Global Change Biology from 2005 through 2022.
Dr. Hanson received the 1995 Distinguished Scientific Achievement Award from the Environmental Sciences Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory. He was elected a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in 2008 and a Fellow of the American Geophysical Union in December 2020.
SPRUCE - Spruce and Peatland Responses Under Changing Environments []
TES SFA - Terrestrial Ecosystem Science Scientific Focus Area []
2020 Fellow, American Geophysical Union
2015, Significant Event Award for SPRUCE, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
2008 Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), Section on Biological Sciences
2004 Award for excellence in presentation of a paper, Soil Science Society of America, Division S-7, Annual meeting, October 31 - November 4, 2004, Seattle, Washington.
2003 Award of Merit for a Book, Society for Technical Communication.
2002 Award for excellence in presentation of a paper, Soil Science Society of America, Division S-7, Annual meeting, November 10-14, 2002, Indianapolis, Indiana.
1995 Distinguished Scientific Achievement Award, Environmental Sciences Division Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
1994 Award of Merit in Scholarly Articles, Society for Technical Communication
1988 Sigma Xi, elected to full membership
1986-88 Postdoctoral Fellowship, Oak Ridge Associated Universities
1985 Graduate School Fellowship, University of Minnesota
1980 Phi Kappa Phi