
Norbert Podhorszki

Distinguished Researcher Scientist

Main product: 

  1. ADIOS, the ADaptable IO Framework, is a publish-subscribe abstraction for self-describing data. It is used by extreme scale applications as a scalable IO library to produce and consumer petabytes of data on storage, for code coupling of parallel programs, as well as for in situ data processing and visualization. I have been the lead developer of the ADIOS software since the first public release. 

Main projects: 

  1. OLCF. My role in the Oak Ridge Leadership Facility is to help applications use better I/O techniques and to develop new solutions for their needs. 
  2. DOE ASCR SciDAC Institute for Resource and Application Productivity through computation, Information, and Data Science, RAPIDS. I work with SciDAC applications to enhance their data processing workflow and I develop new I/O features in ADIOS to support these enhancements. 
  3. Exascale Computing Program Software Technology project "ADIOS2". I was leading the design and development of the next generation of the ADIOS software for exascale. 
  4. DOE SciDAC for: Center for Plasma Edge Simulation. My role was to develop scientific workflows for fusion code coupling and later to develop and use the ADIOS framework for code coupling. 
  5. DOE SciDAC Scientific Data Management Center: I developed scientific workflow automation for high-performance computing applications.
  • Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary, Doctor of Philosophy, Jun 2005, Information Science and Technology
  • Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary, Master of Science, Jun 1995, Computer Science
  • Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary, Bachelor of Science, Jun 1993, Computer Science