Noel B Nelson R&D Assistant Staff Member - Space Nuclear Systems Contact 919.324.6779 | All Publications A Comparison of the Performance of Three Nongradient-Based Optimization Algorithms During the Design of an Accelerator-Driven Subcritical Assembly for Mo-99 Production MCNP Neutronic Design Optimization of an Accelerator-Driven Subcritical Assembly for Mo-99 Production A Comparison of the Radiation Shielding Requirements of Select Radioisotopes for Potential Use in Radioisotope Power Systems The Sensitivity of Three Terrestrial Bacteria to a Multi-Mission Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator Radiation Shielding Analysis of Niowave’s Uranium Target Assembly 2 (UTA-2) Facility for Molybdenum-99 Production Virtual Interaction with Physics Enhanced Reality (VIPER): Using Augmented Reality to Visualize and Interact with Ionizing Ra... Key Links Curriculum Vitae VIPER Promotional Video Organizations Fusion and Fission Energy and Science Directorate Nuclear Energy and Fuel Cycle Division Advanced Reactor Engineering and Development Section Modern Nuclear Instrumentation and Controls Group